Chapter 12

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I open my eyes to see Alex. I smile, then remember everything I'd gone through. I remember Daniel, and the fact that she was the only reason I was in the hospital.

"Where's Daniel?" I ask, and he scrunches his eyebrows.

"Who?-" He asks, as the doctor comes in.

"You have some bruised ribs, a broken ankle, a broken wrist, a large cut in your thigh where you needed eight stitches." I look down to see a purple cast on my foot and a blue one on my arm.

"How did you know?"

"That purple and blue are your favorite?" He asks, smiling. "Lucky guess" he says and I think back to what Daniel had said about her and Alex being vampires. Alex then laughs. "Your mom told me when they were putting your cast on" He says and I nod, closing my eyes. Daniel was just trying to get in my head and I was just letting her walk right in.

"I love you" Alex tells me and I look to him, my breath catching in my lungs.

"What?" I ask, smiling a little, hoping he hadn't said what I thought he had.

"I... love you" He finishes, that was what I thought. I purse my lips as one of the girls from the golf team walks in.

"I told you to tell us when she was awake, Alex" She grumbles as she walks in followed by the rest of the girls on the golf team.

"Hey, guys" I greet, as they all sit on my bed around me. "What... What are you doing here?" I ask, confused.

"We're here to see you" Addison speaks up, rolling her eyes.

"Oh?" I ask, looking around at them all. They all look like they had just been through a car accident. "What's wrong with you guys?"

"What's wrong with us? What's wrong with you? You're acting like you didn't just get kidnapped" Liv says finally, and Gina elbows her in the ribs. "Ouch!" Liv howls, looking at Gina as I smile.

"I guess I'm just happy to be in daylight" I say and Alex, who I forgot was sitting next to me, takes my hand.

"How did you get away?" Kayla asks and my smile disappears as I remember how Daniel had carried me here. She'd untied me and rushed me here, and I must have been out of it, because I couldn't remember the car ride here. But I don't state any of this, I just smile and shake my head.

"I have no idea"

"What happened while you were there?" liv asks and again Gina elbows her, this time she just glares at the other girl. I look to Alex, and then with a flash I don't remember any of my time being captured. He smiles, and I mirror it, looking back to them.

"I don't really remember" I tell them.

"You don't know who took you?" She asks, and I search for the answer, but I don't remember. So I shake my head.

"Enough of the interrogation" Alex laughs and they all smile.

"Why don't we play never have I ever?" Kayla asks a moment before her and Ali make eye contact, smiling the devil's smile at each other.

When they left, I thought I was finally alone with Alex, but no such luck.

"Am I interrupting?" Laya asks as she walks in. I smile at her.

"Hi, Laya. Alex this is Laya, one of my band friends"

"Nice to meet you" He smiles to her a moment before looking to me. "I didn't know you were in band"

"I'm not" I shake my head. "I just have a lot of friends that are" I answer, looking back to her. It's been so long since I've seen her last. She looks paler, yet so beautiful and elegant, not a single freckle or zit. Funny. She seemed to glow.

Laya smiles, and her canines seem bigger than usual. I never really noticed her teeth before, but I'm pretty sure I'd notice if her teeth were that big. She clamps her mouth shut as she fights off coughs. I scrunch my eyebrows.

"I'm sorry" She snarls. "Do you have an open wound?" She asks and I look down to my wrapped leg, remembering when the doctor had told me I had a stab wound that had needed stitches. They told me I would heal quickly, so I'd be able to get back to school very soon. Yay, I had thought sarcastically at the time.

"Yeah, why?" I answer and she looks away, coughing a little more.

"No reason.- I'm just a little- sensitive to the smell-" She trails off, then says, "I'd better" She coughs again, this time more of a snarl. Laya swings the door open, slamming it against the wall, running out of the room. I look to Alex to see if he thought that was as odd as I did.

"I think I should go check on her, I'll talk to you later"

"Ok" I say back, as he pecks me before leaving the way she'd gone. Bexley comes in a moment after.

"Hey" She greets, rubbing her hands on her jeans, I smile.

"Hi" I respond, not sure to smile or just observe.

"How are you?" Bexley says, sitting down where Alex had, next to me on the bed.

"Fine" I say, moving to lay into my best friend.

"Good" She says. "I was starting to think I actually had to look for a new best friend" She says and I smile.

"God forbid"

"Hey" She laughs. "You know how much I hate people"

"You and Jenna would bond over my death"

"Me and Jenna wouldn't anything, let alone bond over your death" She says, then jumps a little. "We could bond over her death"

"You and your hate for her" I say, shaking my head and she sighs.

"You know I don't hate her, I just don't think she's the best for you" She says, and I scrunch my eyebrows. "I mean, has she come to see you?" She asks, and I sigh.

"I guess not" I say, and she smiles again.

"So I have to ask, or my curiosity will kill me just like with the cat- but... did you happen to see who it was that grabbed you?" he asks and I think as hard as I can, but the last thing I can remember was being on the phone with Jenna, talking about Alex and Bexley's odd behavior.

"I really don't remember" I answer, shaking my head as I move to lay on my own side of the bed. She thinks for a moment before nodding.

"Well, you try to rest up and heal, ok?" She asks, standing before kissing my forehead like she always used to. I never thought before that that was just because she liked me.

She's almost to the door before I speak, knowing she can hear me. She stops walking to listen.

"I know you'll find a girl that will love you better than I ever could have. Friends, is all we're meant to be." I tell her, and even though it may hurt her, it felt good to be honest. And without another word, Bexley leaves the room, leaving the room door open.

Later, as I slowly wake up, I look up into the almost black eyes of my sister.

"Hey" I smile sleepily.

"Hi" She says, rushed. "I don't mean to wake you, but I didn't want to leave without saying goodbye" I do my best to follow along even though I could still feel the drowsiness of the morphine. "I have to get back to school before they forget who I am" She smiles. She's so beautiful. She always has been but now there seems to be some kind of glow to her. I smile back.

"That's fine. Don't work too hard, party lots" I nod, and she laughs, gives me a hug and says "I love you and I'll see you at Christmas" Jeez, Christmas already.

"Love you too, and drive safely" 

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