Chapter 19

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"Jenna, I don't really want to hear about Alex"

"Because you broke up?" She tries to pry, and I smile into the phone, driving my mom's car like she'd let me. Jenna, Bexley, and I were doing more three-way calls more often than just hanging out.

"How do you know that?" Bexley asks, as if she were pissed I told Jenna something that I hadn't told her.

"We didn't break up" I snap, like I had been doing more and more over the last week.

"Ok, ok" Jenna concedes. "It's just weird for a couple to have a fight and not talk for weeks afterward and still be together"

"I'm sure it's as normal as breaking up and getting back together like a lot of couples do." I say, turning to be on my street. "And it's not like he's been trying to talk to me. To be honest, I haven't even seen him. Not even in our classes" I say, that now seeming completely odd to me.

"I haven't seen him either" Bexley answers, seeming to ponder this as well. "Did he tell you he was leaving?"

"Oh yeah, between him yelling at me and then following me to my mother's car, yeah I think he mentioned going to Canada for holiday"

"There's no holiday going on in Canada" Bexley pokes.

"That's because that was sarcasm, Bex, try and keep up" Jenna says from the other end of the line.

Almost as soon as I pull into my driveway, my gums begin to burn, almost as if my wisdom teeth were back in my mouth, and growing at an alarming rate.

"Ah, shit" I say, parking in the driveway. I'm supposed to pull the car into the garage, but I was in too much pain to accomplish that successfully.

"Megan, what's wrong?" Bexley asks.

"My gums, they're on fire" I say, and then blink my eyes as I struggle up the path to unlock my front door. "And my eyes burn" I tell them, and there's an ominous pause on both ends of the line.

"We'll be right over" They say in unison.

"Stay on the line" Jenna instructs as if I've been kidnapped and my life depended on me staying on the phone call with her.

While I stay on the line, I open my front door, dropping my keys and bag on the floor in the front hall. Barely remembering to close the door as I run up the steps to my personal bathroom. I look into the mirror. My eyes looked bloodshot, and my gums felt as if they were on literal fire. I hear footsteps, then a doorbell. My gums turn from being on fire to ablaze. I scream at the pain. Thanking whatever odds made it so my mother was not home, she'd think someone were trying to kill me.

My teeth seemed to be moving. I bend at the waist as the worst of it passes. Gripping the sink for balance. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt, then it was gone. I stand back up and look into the mirror, opening my mouth.

I see teeth like the ones Daniel had shown me when I was taken. Except I had a pair of fangs coming from the bottom as well as the top. I blink now. I wasn't supposed to remember that. I scrunch my eyebrows, realizing, Alex had tried to erase my memory of his sister, but he hadn't realized I met her before she took me. Which explained why every time I tried to think back to having been taken I got a huge headache. But why was I able to remember now?

I turn around and walk to my bed. Daniel had bought me a camera. The camera I had been admiring the day I was taken. She'd left it on my bed, but because I couldn't remember that I never thought to look for it.

Searching around and under my bed, I find the black camera with the black and red case. I take it out of the case, and turn it on. Looking through the photos taken I find goofy pictures of Daniel, not sure how she'd had the time to take this when she'd bought it the same day. I smile, but as I move on, I see pictures of the man that had broken my ankle, stabbed my thigh, and shattered my wrist. Daniel's father, he was talking to Alex. I sigh, my smile disappearing. Alex was in the same outfit he was in when he'd seemingly left my house pissed off at Bexley for whatever reason. The same day I had been taken.

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