Part 2: Found: Chapter 16

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I quickly dial Alex on my phone. But by the time he gets here, Daniel is already long gone.

"I found him" I tell Alex as soon as he's inside my room.

"Who?" he asks, watching me close my door, even though my mom yells at me not to, like always.

"My kidnapper"

"Wha- Who is-" He begins, but he's cut off by a loud knock. I look to my right to find Nate on the other side of the window. Where Daniel had been not long before.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, after having opened the window.

"I wanted to know if you were ok" he says, and I make a face.

"Yeah" I lie. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"I just thought I felt something like you were in trouble" he says, and I deepen in how confused my face is. He jumps to the floor through the window, straightening to be only an inch from my face. I know my mouth to tell him my boyfriend was right here and that I didn't want anything to happen, but somehow, I couldn't move away. So, thankfully, Alex gently pulls me back into his body and away from Nate.

"This is kind of..." Alex begins, and I feel him breathe against my body. "Personal" He finishes, and Nate's eyebrows quirk up. He looks down to me.

"You mean your kidnapper, personal?"

"How did you know about that?" I ask, pulling out of Alex's arms.

"Please" He rolls his eyes. "I don't live under a rock" he smiles, only looking down into my eyes.

"Ok, fine, but we need to do this before my mom comes up here and finds my door shut with two boys in it. She would shit chickens and then kill me" I finish and they both laugh. It's so weird how I love both their smiles, yet each is completely different.

"So, you say you figured it out. What's the person's name?" Alex proceeds to ask, and I turn to him. I shrug, shaking my head.

"I have a first name," I begin, and he sighs. "But" I exclaim, running to grab my phone from where I'd thrown it "I do have a picture" I smile, pulling the picture up and handing it to him. Nate walks over to look over Alex's shoulder at my phone.

"Well, she's attractive" Nate grins. I hadn't thought about the fact that Daniel's shirt is really revealing in the picture.

"For one, I'm not just going to let the fact that you have this picture on your phone go but-" He cuts himself off, his smile slipping off his face. He looks at me, the most serious I've ever seen him. "How do you know that this is your kidnapper?" He asks, holding the phone towards me. I reach into my pocket and go to pull the pendant out when it burns my fingers.

I call out, dropping it onto the floor. Alex looks down at the pendant as if he's seen it before when Nate goes to look at it closer, squatting next to it.

"Guys, look at this" he says, and I nod, looking out the window to make sure Daniel wasn't there again. "It's eyes are glowing-"

"Yeah, I know" I cut him off. "Bright red, it did that earlier, it's why I called you" I look to Alex, but he's looking at the pendant.

"No, it's glowing bright blue" Nate says, still looking at the pendant, and Alex turns to me now.

"Where did you find this?" He asks, and I shrug.

"I found it in my clothes a week after I got out of the hospital. I haven't told anybody, I just didn't know how" Alex goes to pick it up, and I hold my hand out. "Careful it's-" I cut myself off because it doesn't even burn him.

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