Chapter 27

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Rescue Mission

"This" Giselle begins, holding a small pill looking object. "Is your escape route. If you're heard- because I'm only taking away the ability for anyone to see you- you need to get out of there. Break this and sprinkle the contents on your tongue."

"Do we get one?" Bexley asks, a sarcastic grin playing at her lips. i remember a time that I used to love that smile, but now i couldn't even imagine taking the time to sort through my feelings. However, I know I've only felt platonically for Bexley for a long time.

"Of course" Giselle answers, handing Bexley, Nate, and Hayley theirs. "But you all have had your training on these, so I was explaining it to Megan."

"Well, you forgot the most important part" Argues Bexley, and Giselle gives her a face.

"Well, you cut me off" She says, sighing, before she looks to me once more. "This pill will take you wherever you want to go. You need just think of where... and concentrate on it. Think of the air, the smell, the feel, everything- otherwise you could end up in a different timeline, or different planet all together"

"Right" I respond, laughing, stopping after I see that everyone was completely serious. "I've got a lot of questions"

"No time" Bexley says, grabbing my arm as Giselle closes her eyes, beginning to chant and all of the sudden we're in a forest. The forest outside the Jones estate...

"Ok, now that's cool" I whisper as Nate shushes me, Bexley pulling me behind a tree as a guard walks by around the trees. Once the guard has left, I look to Bexley, Nate, and Hayley.

"Once we've become invisible, we've got 20 minutes, tops to get in there, grab Daniel, and get out." Hayley explains, and I nod.

"Daniel said she was either in the attic or the basement" I offer, and Bexley nods.

"Megan and I will head for the basement, and you two head for the attic" Bexley picks up and I nod, good with going with someone I didn't have to question my feelings for. but that also meant Nate and Hayley were going together, which- if I thought about, rubbed me the wrong way. So I decide, instead, to think about something else altogether.

"How long is this-" I begin, but start to see myself disappear. Bexley grabs my hand so we know where each other are.

"Meet back at the pack" Nate says before I assume he's gone. Bexley squeezes my hand.

"Let's head inside and for the basement- 20 minutes starts now" She begins and I nod, knowing she can't see me but decide I don't really need to agree.

Bexley pulls me along at an alarming speed, stopping at random to sneak around a guard on the outer parameter. Once we get inside it gets a little more tricky, however.

I look around to find guards at every door. How the hell are we gonna find the basement door, if there's a guard on every one?

Shh, they can hear thoughts as well...


Well, yeah. She says, and I scrunch my eyebrows.

I forgot you could hear my thoughts.


Quickly, Bexley pulls me toward the back of the hall, and to the left- down another hall where there's a door that lays open. No guards in this hall.

That must've been where the royal family sleeps...

I thought you said we couldn't think...?

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