Chapter 34

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Back to School

Walking towards the school the next morning, both hands on either backpack strap, Jenna jogs to catch up with me.

"Ok, hear me out" She begins and I sigh. "I know, it's priceless coming from me and my track record, but as far as girls go- Daniel is as bad as they get!" She exclaims, and I breathe calmly.

"Forgive me if I don't drop everything and believe you"

"Why not?" Jenna argues and I sigh again.

"Alex..." I shrug "you said he was so great"

"And he wasn't?" She asks, and I stop walking. She takes a moment, but stops also and looks at me. "What?"

"He was overly jealous, pretending how he felt for me the whole time, made me feel bad for what I'd become, AND on top of that- as though it weren't bad enough, he almost allowed his father to murder me with a giant fucking sword" I say, looking at her for a moment. "And sure, Daniel kidnapped me and broke my sister's heart, but she was the reason I got out of there and was taken to the hospital, the place you didn't come to see me at-" I say and regret because she looks as though she feels bad. "My point, is that even though she did bad things she still never made me feel bad for things out of my control. She told me my eyes were beautiful and that I would be amazing at what I'm meant to do. I get you don't like her and don't trust her, and I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt to see it myself but don't get mad or continue to argue with me for not just throwing her out as soon as you and Bexley- who is extremely bias by the way, say you don't like her."

"And Victoria" She offers, hopeful and I sigh.

"Forgive me if I don't really think of her point of view at all-"

"She's an advisor" She argues.

"An Advisor I just met" I argue and she sighs. "This is all very new and I was just thrown into it" I explain. "You expect me to just be able to acclimate like this isn't all completely different." I shake my head, looking to the right to see Daniel walking through the crowd, people who were not the slight amount of humans the school had, stare and watch her go.

"Why are they staring?" I ask Jenna and she follows my eyes.

"We don't often get vampires at a royal werewolf school- let alone a royal one" She explains, a different pair of werewolves, walk up gawking at her and say something. I sigh.

"Excuse me, Jen" I say before hurrying across the parking lot and towards Daniel. I grab her hand, looping our fingers. "Hey, babe- let me show you to class" I offer, not cause I was worried about her, but because I worried what balance she might upset once they poked this metaphorical bear. And hopefully, by calling her babe, they'd realize they didn't want to mess with her for risk of messing with me.

"Babe?" Questions Daniel, once we've left out of earshot.

"Don't let it go to your head" I remark and she smirks.

"Too late"

* * * * *

Sitting down in first period, I sigh, having made it on time even with leading a rather confused Daniel to the office for her schedule. The secretary had told me to go to class and she'd assign someone to guide Daniel to class.

Sitting here now, however, I can hear people whispering in the back.

"Did you hear about her girlfriend-" Asked one girl.

"Kidnapped her-" Nods another, shocked.

"Guess that's the number 1 way into the Duchess's heart-" Laughed a third.

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