Part one: Alone- Chapter 1

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The Beginning

"Earth to Megan!" Exclaims my best friend who sits in front of me at lunch, Jenna. I look, from the clouds outside the window, down into my lap at the fry she'd thrown. Quickly looking back up to her.

"I'm with you" I defend, smiling.

"Tell your face that" She smiles, slightly rolling her eyes.

"You were talking about the dance" I say, making a face. I hadn't been listening, but she had been talking about the dance since the school, we both go to, had announced they were having it.

"Yeah, well-" She begins, but I stop listening again, when I see a boy walking into the cafeteria. A boy I'd never seen before. And in our school, we all had known each other since the first grade.

"Who's that?" I ask, probably having cut her off. Jenna quickly looks to her right.

"Never seen him before" She remarks and for whatever reason I felt drawn to him. That could've been because he had a square jaw, broad shoulders, and kind eyes, but deep down it felt like a deeper reason. A deeper connection.

"Hey" He greets, smiling such a charming smile. I stare at him almost as if my eyes wouldn't allow me to look anywhere else.

"Megan" Jenna snaps me out of it. I force a smile.

"Hi, can we help you with something?" Jenna asks and he licks his lips, shifting from one foot to another. Looking from her to me.

"Well, I kind of just started here, so I was wondering if I could sit with you guys" He says, and I silently wondered why he hadn't asked the popular table. "You guys kind of have the only open seats, so I figured I'd ask you, it's fine though, I can go" He begins to turn when Jenna grabs his arm.

"No, you can sit here" Jenna says, giving me a look and I shrug, moving to my right so he can sit down. "So, where did you come from?" Jenna asks, as I stare at my tray of food.

"Florida" he nods. "My dad, and sister wanted a fresh start" He says, pausing so long I look at him. "But I'm learning to like it" He finishes, meeting my eyes.

After the bell rings, Alex follows me to the left outside the cafeteria as Jenna goes outside to the right.

"Could you help me with my locker?" He begins, and I breathe slowly, my nerves kicking up. "I'm pretty sure they gave me a defective one" He smiles, looking at me as I force myself to look away.

"Sure" I muster, as we slowly stop at his locker, he sighs.

"This is where you get it the first try" He smiles, showing off his dimples. "But I promise you, I did try quite a few times before asking for your help" He says and I smile, scrunching my eyebrows as I shake my head.

"I believe you," I pause to laugh a little. "Why would you lie about a defective locker?" I ask, and he stares only into my eyes when he says.

"I could think of a few reasons" He says, so straight faced that I clear my throat, moving on to the locker.

"Anyway" I begin, trying to keep the conversation going. "What class do you have next?" I ask, looking only at the locker as he holds up the paper he has in his hands.

"Looks like English with Mrs. Wilson" He says and I smile.

"Make sure you call her Ms. Wilson, because she won't be happy if she has to correct you" I say and he nods.

"Do you have her as well"

"Yeah, we have that together" I tell him, pulling the door open and he smiles.

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