Chapter 14

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"I can't wait to see you! Just a week!" Exclaims my sister from the other end. I smile.

"Weren't you just here a couple days ago?" I ask, with a laugh and she scoffs.

"Yes, but that was for so negative of a reason" She explains and I nod.

"Right" I laugh.

"Oh!" She exclaims again. "I almost forgot to tell you I'm bringing my girlfriend!"

"Really?" I ask, smiling.

"Yes, and she's super cute, and I want to see your super cute of a boyfriend there too!" She exclaims. "But I do have to go"

"Ok" I laugh, as I walk around my room with my boot, having been approved to walk around on the boot covered casted foot now. "I love you" I say, to her, trying to ignore the fact of how easy it was to say to her, but when thinking of saying it to Alex, made me feel sick.

Alex isn't in school all day long and Nate seemed to disappear early, but thankfully the day goes fast and already I'm walking home, having asked Alex but he was busy helping his dad with who knows what, Jenna was helping her mom, and Bexley was out of town all day. Even though that didn't stop them from talking to me on the phone to make sure I walk home without getting kidnapped.

"So" Jenna begins, as her mom yells at her to pay attention to whatever she's doing. "What'd Alex say?" She asks and I raise my eyebrows.

"About?" I ask, and Bexley scoffs from where she was, thankful that we'd figured out the three way call rather than having to put each other on hold and repeat what was happening.

"Hello?" Bexley remarks. "He said he loved you and you left him hanging"

"He said I didn't have to feel pressured to say it back"

"Is that what he said?" Bexley asks and I sigh.

"he said that his mom used to tell him he fell too fast and was too honest about his feelings"

"Meaning he's felt this way before?" Jenna asks, more than likely making a face.

"Ew, get out" Bexley says.

"Guys" I roll my eyes. "It's not a big deal, really"

"Then what has he been doing with Laya" Jenna asks.

"You've seen them together too?" Bexley asks, and Jenna makes a noise.

"Mhm, and they've seemed pretty close"

"How is this helping me?" I ask. "I'm sorry, but how is my love life always the topic at hand."

"We could talk about the fact that your sister, who has never had a girlfriend, is bringing one home for Christmas, same time you're finally bringing one home" She says, and I sigh.

"Don't make me regret telling you"

"Wait, Jordan has a girlfriend?" Bexley asks, seeming really concerned.

"I guess" I shrug, even though they can't see me. "She just told me this morning"

"Who is she?" She asks.

"She didn't say, I assume someone from her classes"

"I'm sure" Jenna says. "Well, I have to go before my mom pops a blood vessel in her forehead."

"Ok, bye babes" I call to her and she makes a kissing noise before hanging up.

"Do you really think Jordan got a boyfriend because you just got one?" Bexley asks and I shake my head before I remember she can't see me.

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