Chapter 1

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I knew him, but I barely even took a glance at him, he was a random person whom I would randomly cross paths with once every day. I never paid attention to him once, sometimes I wish I had sooner...

He wasn't one of the popular losers who idolized themselves, I always did notice that about him, he was in some way different, very athletic, curly dark brown hair, red lips, deep mysterious brown eyes, a daring smile and the sharpest jawline. Nothing though really ever urged me to start a conversation with him, he was just there. Sometimes, I wondered if he knew my name, I mean I knew his, because in the 5th grade I had forced myself to learn everyone's names and last names, for no particular reason, so I did, I knew his name, Nick Black, nothing out of the ordinary. Oh wow, that sounded supper stalky, but anyways, I never really found myself drawn to him in any way.  I had my own life in my head, and my own problems were the only thing on my mind, I was always stressing myself about grades and about the future so I always forgot to live the moment. I had no one to really push me to become this adventurous person.

I had a close friends circle, we hung out, not very much though because my parents were really strict and they didn't let me go out much. So when my friends were out there having the best times of their lives, I sat at home binge watching shows or reading books because I literally had no life. I was the redhead with blue eyes and freckles who lived her life at home, but I had eventually gotten used to it. My life wasn't exciting, but I loved it, my head buried inside my books I was always drifting into fictional worlds I got way too attached to and sometimes forgot that I lived in the real world, which tremendously sucked, I absolutely hated it here.

Never in my life, did I ever imagine I would, or could fall in love with someone that hard, never did I think that my feelings could be controlled by another human being. Being consumed by another was simply just not a possibility to me, the books I've read had set my standards very high to the possibility of a partner or a soulmate, and they were very rare to find in the real world, VERY RARE.  


I had a ski trip coming up next week, something the school had organized, and something I definitely had no intention in attending. That's until my parents found the brochure.

- "Addison, you have to go, It'll be so much fun!" my mom yelled out.

-" Mom I'd really rather stay in my room the entire week than go on that trip."  the minor idea of cold weather was already bothering me and suddenly felt shivers running through my body.

There was then a long silence.

-" Honey, we kind of need you to go." dad finally pointed out.

"Sam!" mom yelled at dad giving him some sort of death stare.

-" Oh really, sounds like you two have plans." I just knew they wanted me out of the house so they could have a little time to themselves, I was really surprised they were even fond to the idea, they never even let me sleep over at my friends houses.

-" Nothing important honey, don't be bothered by the idea, just go on that trip, have some fun with your friends, loosen up a little." my mom continued.

-" Uh okay..." I replied all weirded out, Since when did my own mother advise me to loosen up? Something was definitely up. But there was no arguing when it came to my parents, so I immediately caved and gave in.

I was back in my room a book in hand, when the door was slammed open, it made the most agonizing sound and my heart dropped to the floor, it was my mom, she was bringing in a suitcase. Wow, they really wanted to get rid of me that fast? What was even going on? What the hell!

-"Mom the trip is in 2 days, why are you so rushed about this?" 

-" Honey, I need to make sure you have everything you need, I already feel bad about sending you there all by yourself." she was serious.

-" Then don't send me. Whatever you and dad have planned, you can do it freely I'll stay home alone, just please don't make me go."

-" Oh no, you're going, this is for your own good, I promise." and then she left, leaving me the suitcase to pack everything all by myself.

My parents were acting very sketchy, were they sending me to a boarding school or something and didn't want to tell me? Or what if it was military school? These ideas terrified me. I mean they were strict, but they were never that strict.

All I could do right now anyways, was go on that ski trip and pray to god that I won't break a leg or catch a cold...

 Him.  (completed) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora