Part 17

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"What now Uzumaki?" spoke Madara atop his protector, Susanoo. He gazed down towards the speck on the ground, the insect that stands between him and world domination.

Naruto recovered from the momentary shock of seeing a huge ass monster staring down at him. It's not the first time that happened and probably not the last time considering his luck with things. Heck, he likes a challenge. A challenge that can squash you with one strike but a challenge nonetheless.

Naruto smirked, "You aren't the only one with tricks up his sleeve, Madara." As soon as he said that a yellow aura sprung around him. The chakra flickered like flames around him and his eyes glowed orange. He gained strange markings similar to that of the Rikudo Sennin. His eyes narrowed towards Madara and his samurai protector, "Time for some tests." He disappeared in a cloud of dust, showing off his godly speed.

Madara's eyes narrowed. This kid was faster than the Raikage. He didn't even see him move let alone track his movements. But speed is not enough to defeat him otherwise Raikage would have been able to defeat him.

Susanoo felt something hit it in the back of its armour but nothing else happened. Then another hit in the legs, shoulders, knees... The Susanoo barely felt anything and Madara didn't deem it important enough to react. Even if he did he would have probably missed. For now, he will wait it out and strike at the right opportunity.

He heard a familiar buzzing sound and he turned around and saw that shuriken technique speeding towards him. 'I think it's time to show how futile his techniques are.'


"Yeah, beat him up Naruto." Yelled Kiba, cheering for his comrade. They thought everything was over when that thing surfaced but Naruto proved them wrong once more. They saw him flickering around the Susanoo striking it everywhere. It gave the armies renewed hope. The Kages were a little bit more realistic than the rest of them. They knew that Madara was far from finished.

Ino was holding her breath but silently rooting for her love. Her heart was pounding like a madman and it didn't show any signs of slowing down.

"So this is what all the fuss is about, huh!" spoke a new voice beside Ino who was startled out of her praying and worrying. She saw a bluish man with sharp teeth grinning at Ino which frankly disturbed her, "Who are you?"

Suigetsu feigned hurt, "Oh, you don't know silly handsome me. Allow me to introduce myself gorgeous, I'm...." He was stopped by a fist to his head which blew away his head in droplets of water. Karin stood beside him with an annoyed look, "Sorry about that, his hormones acted out again." Apologized Karin to Ino who was baffled by all of this.

"Uh, it's okay but who are you again?" asked Ino but she felt like she was supposed to know this person.

Karin smiled brightly, "I'm Uzumaki Karin and these are my teammates Suigetsu and Juugo." She pointed to the now regenerating Suigetsu and the calm-looking Juugo. The ninjas around them tensed when they heard those names but seeing Ino remain calm and actually knowing them, made them switch their attention back towards the fight.

A light bulb switched on inside Ino's head, "You are Naruto's cousin, right?" smiled Ino.

Karin grinned, imitating his cousin's infectious smile, "The one and only. And you must be the one that kept his cute Uzumaki ass in check." Ignoring the remark about his ass Ino beamed, " Yep, that's me. How did you know?" inquired Ino.

"Your eyes tell the whole story. That and he told me." Grinned Karin.

"You are the idiot's girlfriend?" asked the now fully regenerated Suigetsu. Ino nodded dumbly not understanding what the big deal was.

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