Part 3

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It was 5 am in the morning. Normally people wouldn't even dream of thinking of getting up at that time. Sadly one particular ninja didn't have a choice in the matter. The reason, one alarm clock from the deepest pits of hell was ringing out of control.

"WHAT THE HELL" shouted Naruto, the alarm scared the BEJESUS( something I heard in Top Gear) out of him.

" Who the hell set up my alarm to beep at 5 AM in the morning. I'm going to kill that idiot. Whoever he is, he's a walking dead man." Yelled in irritation Naruto, who was in the process of picking himself up from the floor of his apartment.

He walked towards his nightstand where the clock was, while rubbing his temples trying to clear all the morning fogginess. He saw a note behind it.

" Dear gaki, this is payback for before. Love Bachan." Said the note.

" Damn, I just got pranked by a 50 year old woman. I'm losing my touch. You may have won this battle Bachan, but the war will be won by me, dattebayo." Vowed Naruto.

He proceeded to Rasengan the clock repeatedly so that this never happens again.

He sighed. "There's no way I'll be able to go back to sleep now. I might as well make the most of it. Ramen time." Mused Naruto who pumped his fist in the air at his end remark but immediately regretted doing that, because the fogginess returned full force.

"But first, a long and relaxing shower." With that he strolled towards his bathroom to take a well deserved shower. After 20 minutes or so he came out of the steamy shower and changed into his ninja clothes. With that he left towards his destination.

"Ichiraku, here I come". He was nothing but a blur while jumping across rooftops towards his destination.

ICHIRAKU"""" a few seconds later

An old man could be seen yawning behind the counter, trying to wake himself up. The man, in his old age, wanted nothing more than to pass on his restaurant to his daughter but alas that was just a wish. His daughter while extremely capable is still just one man, eh woman. And that is not enough to run this place, especially now when the black hole a.k.a Naruto returned.

Let it also be known that Ichiraku doesn't like to be scared shitless. As would be seen in a couple of moments.

"OLD MAN" yelled Naruto at the top of his lungs.

And then it happened. It all happened so suddenly. The knife appeared out of nowhere, seriously it's like it came from the heavens themselves to aid their owner. Next thing Naruto knew something was flying past his head, inches away from his eyes. If it weren't for his insane reflexes, he wouldn't be ablo to see the finer things in life, like Ino's firm ass and long legs. 'Hmmmm, me like' thought both the narrator and Naruto.

'Note to self, don't EVER scare old man again.' Thought a very scared Naruto.

"Naruto, don't ever scare me like that again. I think I had a small heart attack." Said a painting Ichiraku, who had a hand over his heart area.

"Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear. Please, don't throw any knives, please. " said a pleading Naruto.

" Oh, sorry about that. Reflex I guess." Said an embarrassed Ichiraku, who took a play from Naruto's book and scratched his head in a very Naruto like manner.

" Reflex my ass. Not even seasoned ninjas have that kind of reflexes. Seriously, you are like a demon in disguise." Smirked Naruto playfully.

"Haha, very funny. Laugh all you want, I'm still the one that decides if you get any ramen or not." Grinned Ichiraku.

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