Part 14

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A blur was seen racing across the Fire Country. Naruto was currently on a mission of great importance to him. He was waiting for the day 'they' would resurface. And finally they did.

He remembers back to what Tsunade told him.


"As you requested, our spies spotted them in Ame. They crossed the border a day ago. If you are lucky you might catch up to them if you leave now." Said Tsunade to Naruto.

Naruto nodded and thanked her for her help in this matter. She waved him off, saying it was no problem.

Naruto turned towards his girlfriend and kissed her goodbye. When they parted lips Ino asked, "Mind telling me what's this all about?"

"No time, sorry honey. Bachan can tell you after I leave. I'm afraid I can't waste anymore time." Said Naruto, already looking towards the exit.

Ino frowned. Sometimes she really hates the Shinobi life. All the secrecy can be quite annoying.

The frown was then replaced by a gentle smile, "Don't do something stupid. I would hate to come after you."

Naruto chuckled and kisser her again, this time on the nose, eliciting a giggle from Ino, "I'll be back before you know it." With that he disappeared from the room.

Ino sighed and turned towards the older blonde who was waiting for the duo to finish.

Tsunade started, "I'll make this short. I have a bottle of sake waiting for me at home. Naruto asked me to keep an eye on a certain group of ninjas. I'm sure you heard of this particular group. It's called Taki." Ino's eyes widened. Now that's a name she hasn't heard in a long time.

Tsunade continued, "It isn't the group itself that caught Naruto's eyes. It's a particular member that is the focus of Naruto's attention."

Seeing that Tsunade took a dramatic pause, Ino decided to rush her a bit, "Which one are we talking about?"

"The female of the group. The red-hair, Karin. I'm sure you know who I'm talking about." Said Tsunade, observing how Ino would react.

Ino didn't seem fazed by the news. Tsunade was expecting a fit of jealousy or anger at the mention of another girl who was very pretty. It seems Naruto's has her undeniable trust.

She smiled and continued, "I'm sure you are wondering why her in particular. Well, I don't know the whole story but Naruto found out a tiny detail about Karin. Karin's actual name is Uzumaki Karin from the Uzumaki Clan. I'm sure you know where this is going."

Now this shocked Ino. It all makes sense now. Why the sudden interest in this girl! She was Naruto's family, his blood.

"How does he know that?" asked Ino, still stunned by the news.

Tsunade sighed, if only she knew, "He wouldn't tell me. You can ask him when he comes back."

Ino nodded and then asked, "What is he planning to do?"

"Offer her a home, here in Konoha. He'll try to persuade to come back with him." Answered Tsunade, checking the clock to see if her Sake is still cold.

"What about her comrades?" asked Ino, interested in the events that are going to happen soon.

"Beats me. I gave him free reign on this one. I trust his judgment." Answered Tsunade, standing up after finishing that sentence.

"I would love to chit chat but I don't want to keep my Sake waiting. I'll notify you if I hear anything." Said Tsunade while escorting Ino to the exit.

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