Part 2

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Hokage's office""""""

It was a day just like any other for the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade Senju. She was currently doing paperwork, the bane of her existence, and at the same time indulging herself with a bottle of sake. After the war things slowed down in the ninja world.

The villages have formed a permanent alliances with each other so the threat of another war is non- existent. Another good thing about this whole peace thing is less paperwork, considerably less.

It's been a good 2 years for the Fifth. The only thing missing is her ball of sunshine, her local knucklehead.

'Naruto. It's been 2 years already. You better come back soon or I will beat the shit out of you' thought Tsunade. She was unaware of a figure climbing her tower. She is in for a nasty surprise.

Couple of minutes before"""""""

Naruto was walking towards the Hokage tower. The people were looking at him and were wondering who this person was and why was he so familiar. The people who did recognize him bowed their heads in respect and gave him a happy smile.

Naruto responded with a small smile and with a slight bow of his head. ' Well this is new. People are genuinely happy to see me even after 2 years. And what's with the girls? They are acting weird.' Thought Naruto. You could see groups of girl talking to each other and occasionally taking a glance towards Naruto and giggling.

Naruto just gave them a small smile and continued his trek towards the tower. He was taking his time, enjoying in the scenery, taking in the sights of Konoha.' It has been too long. I missed this place. Glad to see Konoha recovered from Nagato's destruction.' Thought Naruto who was smiling the entire time.

Minutes later he could see the tower in his sight. A wave of nostalgia hit him. All the memories he experienced in that tower came rushing back. The time he spend with Jiji, Grandma, Shizune, Ero-sennin. Those were some of the best moments of his life.

'Yep, I definitely missed this place' thought Naruto.' I wonder what Bachan is doing. Probably drinking or sleeping, lazy old hag' smiled Naruto. An idea formed in his head and a grin spread across his face. 'Why use the front door when I can see use a play from Ero-sennin's book' schemed a grinning Naruto.

He used his Camouflage jutsu taught by Ero-sennin and started climbing the tower. He reached the window and saw Tsunade actually working.

'Now this is a pleasant surprise. Grandma is actually working' thought a surprised Naruto. She narrowed his gaze and saw a bottle of sake on the desk. ' No wonder she's working, she's probably drunk and isn't aware of what she's doing' thought Naruto.' Time to give her a heart attack and get my ass kicked' He took a deep breath.

"BACHAN" yelled Naruto. The effect was instantaneous. Tsunade spat all of her sake across the room, knocked over her table with all of her paperwork now lying on the floor and messed up. Her personal ANBU responded quickly and apperead in the room and were surprised with the scene. They could barely contain their laughter, you could hear a couple of snickers coming from their mouth. But they quickly stopped when they saw an angry Tsunade. The leader made the best choice of his career and ordered his squad to return to their hiding spots.

' I took me all morning to file this paper. I'm going to kill the man who did this.' Raged Tsunade in her mind. She turned around and was speechless.' Minato' thought Tsunade. 'Tsunade you are drunk again, seeing ghosts and it's not even 2 o'clock yet.' Thought a mildly drunk and confused Tsunade.

Naruto was laughing histerically on the windowsill. He was laughing and there were a few tears in his eyes. Too bad he didn't have a camera with him. That would make a perfect picture.

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