Part 6

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""""""""""""""""""The Hospital""""""""""""""""

Ino sighed. She was tired. These morning shifts always take a lot out of her. It's bad enough she's in charge of the whole psychiatric wing, now she's got new recruits coming in and they are all greenhorns and need to be properly mentored. That's where she comes in.

And she hates it. Sometimes she wishes just to resign and live a normal ninja life, take a mission, complete it and go home to your family. But life is never that simple.

There is good news, though. With her shift over this means she gets to confront Naruto now and hopefully learn about his parents. She picked up her pace towards the exit.

She was walking towards the exit when she heard the receptionist call her name.

"Miss Yamanaka!" called the receptionist.

Ino made her way over there, wondering what she wanted. Can't she see that she's in a hurry?

"Yes? Can I help you?" questioned Ino who was constantly looking towards the exit, hoping that this conversation will be short.

Receptionist picked something from the floor, a package of some sort, neatly wrapped in paper.

"These just came in for you by anonymous sender. There is a note attached, though." Said the receptionist politely.

"Oh, thank you. Did you see the guy who brought them?" said Ino while taking the package from the receptionist.

The young girl behind the counter shook her head negatively.

"No, well not exactly. It was a delivery boy from one of the local companies. He didn't say who send them, he was just told to bring them here." Answered the girl.

"I see, thank you. If anything comes up, let me know. Bye." Said Ino who continued on her way.

She stopped at a nearby bench and looked at the package. It reminded her of flowers but she wasn't certain. Her ninja sense kicked in and inspected the package for any traps. Satisfied that there are none she carefully opened the package.

She was right, they were flowers. Purple Irises, to be exact. Only one name came to her mind. 'Naruto. It must be him, only he buys me my favorite flowers.' Thought Ino.

A note fell off the flowers and Ino picked it up. It said: " Meet me at Konoha Lake at 11 AM. Your mistery blonde."

Ino smiled at the letter and at Naruto's gesture. 'Well, at least I don't have to find him' thought Ino who started walking towards Konoha Lake, flowers in her hand.

She arrived at the lake a couple of minutes earlier than it said on the letter. The Lake was empty, no one was around, which was odd.

'He better not be thinking about pranking me.' Thought Ino who was scanning her surroundings.

Seeing no one she sat down and looked at the purple flowers in her hands. She took a whiff of their scent and she remembered why she loved them so much. The scent was addicting, so alluring, so fresh.

She was too engrossed in her thoughts that she didn't notice figures moving around her, surrounding her. By the time she did, it was too late.

Laughter erupted from around her.

Ino sprang on her feet, flowers forgotten, assuming her battle stance, ready for anything.

"Who's there?" yelled a serious Ino.

"My, my, so feisty. Have you forgotten me already? I'm hurt" said the voice in a fake hurt tone.

The figure emerged from the forest surrounded by what seemed ninja bodyguards. 2 on his left, 2 on his right and 8 ninjas behind him, ready to do their master's bidding.

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