Part 1

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The Fourth Shinobi War. The war that finally brought peace to the ninja world. A lot of lives were lost in the war. Many friends, brothers, sisters were lost in the conflict. But they died knowing they are trying to make a difference. And they did make a difference. The war was won. Tobi was killed by the hands of Uzumaki Naruto and Killer Bee, the last two jinchuriki still alive. They teamed up with their tenants and used all of their power to end his terror.

On the other side of the battlefield fought the 5 Kages against the newly revived Uchiha Madara. The battle was long and taxing. Madara earned his right to be called one of the strongest ninja to have ever existed in the world alongside First Hokage. But even he couldn't stand up to the 5 Kages. The battle lasted for several hours but in the end he was defeated and sealed forever in Gaara's sand fortress.

Kabuto was defeated by the Uchiha brothers, Itachi and Sasuke. His goal finished Itachi returned to the land of the dead. He gave Sasuke one final advice, to stop his quest of revenge and return to his friends and 'brother'.

Sasuke told him that that won't happen and that he will have revenge upon Konoha. He will stifle their laughter and kill them all. But first he will crush their hope, their hero, Uzumaki Naruto.

On his way to face Naruto, he was confronted by his old comrades, the rookie 11. They tried to stop him and convince him to return to Konoha. He refused and just laughed maniacally saying "Do you really think I could ever return to Konoha and live happily ever after with you all? The only reason I will return to that weak village is to destroy every single villager, every single ninja, every building till there is nothing left but dust."

They all saw him for what he really was, all except Sakura. She still hoped that there is some light in him. She tried to persuade him, to make him see reason, she even told him that she loved him and that she would do anything for him. Sasuke's only answer was to draw his sword and activate his Sharingan.

Shikamaru took charge and started ordering his friends to take battle formations. He knew they stood little chance against him without Naruto. But even though chances of victory were next to none, he will give it his all, to protect his friends, his family, to protect Naruto, the village pariah who saved them all.

The battle that ensued was epic. But even though Sasuke was outnumbered he was stil holding his ground and was fighting back. Shikamaru in a desperate move ordered his friends to attack him at the same time while Sakura attacks him from behind and uses her strength to penetrate through his Susanoo.

The plan worked flawlessly till the last moment. Sasuke was focused trying to give Susanoo enough power to withstand their attack. He was too focused to notice Sakura moving behind him and gathering all of her chakra in her fist to end his life or at least cripple him.

It all went downhill from there. Sakura stopped inches from hitting him. She just couldn't do it. Images of young Sasuke flashed before her eyes, all the moments they spend together with team 7,all the laughter, sadness, all the battles they've won together."I'm sorry Naruto. I just can't do it" thought Sakura.

At that moment Sasuke noticed her and turned around and used Susanoo to try and stab her. He looked in her eyes and saw her smiling. It was a peaceful smile. She knew what was coming.

Shikamaru and others tried to warn her and all started running towards her hoping they would make it. Fate was not on their side that day.

The sword from Susanoo struck Sakura through her stomach. There was no sound heard from her. She had a peaceful expression on her face and you could see a lone tear escaping from her eye.

Sasuke was unaffected by this and with a flick from his wrist threw her towards her friends. She was caught by Ino who was already crying while cradling her pale and cold body. She hopelessly tried to heal hear. She used all of her chakra trying to save her.

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