Part 15

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"How many did you count?" asked a grinning Naruto while walking through the forest. The reason why he's walking because he was already close to Konoha and he was in no hurry and because quite frankly he was exhausted. Using the Kyuubi's chakra always leaves his body quite exhausted especially if he uses it for a longer period of time.

"601! A new record, I think. Gotta love their faces when they see me! Hahaha" laughed Kurama, pleased with himself.

Naruto grinned even wider, also having the time of his life.

A couple of minutes later, they were walking through the enormous gate of Konoha and checking in with the village guards. With a friendly wave to Izumo, Kotetsu, Naruto continued his trek towards the Hokage Tower.

The people of the village noticed their Hero walking down the street and waved at him and gave him a cheerful smile, a smile which he returned with equal measure. Soon he was in front of the Tower and with one leap he was already in Tsunade's office, entering through her window much to her irritation. She didn't get to voice her opinion because the other occupant in the room tackled Naruto to the ground as soon as he entered. One guess who that was!

While the two lovebirds were making out on her floor, Tsunade was currently deep in thought with a loving smile on her face.

She skimmed through her memories of Naruto. The young and brash Naruto who convinced her to return to Konoha with nothing but his determination and unyielding will. Then the Naruto who was chiseled to be a man by her teammate and best friend. Then the vulnerable Naruto who just learned that his Godfather, mentor, family just died. That was one of the worst days for her. Seeing him so defeated and broken but there wasn't much she could do that day. Every ninja had to go through such a period. God knows she has done it many times in her life. Too many times!

And then the Shinobi who won the War of the Nations and defeated the Tailed Beasts and Tobi himself. And finally the Naruto that is currently being smothered to death by his dazzling girlfriend, Ino Yamanaka. In all her life she has never seen Naruto so happy and it made her heart dance in joy that she was able to live long enough to see it.

She was brought out of her musing when she heard two sets of giggles and they were aimed at her. She looked up and saw two laughing blonde idiots, "What?" yelled Tsunade in irritation.

"You were smiling Baa-chan!" grinned Naruto, Ino joining him.

A tick appeared on Baa-chan's forehead, "Shut up and sit down!" growled Tsunade.

The blondes' laughter continued and Tsunade scowled because of it.

A couple of moments later, Naruto and Ino composed themselves and Naruto made his report.

..."That's it!" grinned Naruto in satisfaction. Tsunade wasn't so happy. She was banging her head against the table while the duo sweat dropped. Tsunade was crying anime tears, "Did you have to go and use the Kyuubi's chakra? Do you know how many complaints I'll get because of this? I swear to God, I just got older by a few years!"

Naruto scratched the back of his head and grinned foxily, "Oh come on! It was all good fun. Nobody got hurt and the trees we destroyed were immediately fixed by Kyuubi's chakra which is full of life-force to begin with. No biggy Grandma!"

Ino giggled when Tsunade continued to bang against the table. Seeing that she won't stop anytime soon, the couple sneaked out of the room.

They were walking down the street, "So what was going around here while I was gone?" asked Naruto.

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