Part 13

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"This is the beginning." Said Kurama vaguely.

Naruto and Ino both stared into the field in front of them. Confused looks adorned their faces. What was this? Why were they here?

"Naruto, why are we here? There is nothing here." Asked Ino who was confused but still very interested in what was going on. It better be good because it got in the way of their picnic.

It was a legitimate question. The clearing was nothing special. It was just a simple clearing with a few bushes and flowers, nothing that really stood out. Why did Kyuubi lead them here?

Naruto was meanwhile scanning the clearing thoroughly. Something didn't feel right to Naruto. Something was off with this picture, he could feel it. Something was hidden here and whatever it is it was hidden by a master of the Shinobi Arts.

"No, something is definitely here. I can feel it. Something doesn't feel right. A barrier maybe?" answered Naruto, forcing Ino to scan the area once again, this time in detail.

"But barriers don't hide things, do they? I thought they only protect them." Pondered further Ino.

Naruto continued with the information gathering, "A Genjutsu over a Barrier? Genjutsu for concealing whatever is hidden here and a Barrier for protection. It sounds possible but why? Why the need for so much protection? Just the Barrier itself must be one of the best in the world for it to be hidden from my sight. And a Genjutsu on top of that? Something very important is kept here."

"Ask Kyuubi. He must know since he led us here." Remarked Ino. Naruto nodded and closed his eyes to seek answers from Kurama.

"Kurama, care to explain?" inquired Naruto. Kurama was very secretive regarding this place. Something must have happened here. Something important.

"No. Everything will be clear as soon as you drop the Barrier." Responded Kurama, not divulging the information regarding this place.

Naruto scowled, displeased with his answer. He was getting a bit impatient and that is never a good thing.

"Stubborn fox. Any ideas on how to break the Barrier? I'm pretty sure I can't disable it with normal means. It's way out of my league of Skills. Power?" asked Naruto impatiently.

Kurama snorted, "Of course you wouldn't be able to disable it with the level of Sealing you are now. This was done by the greatest Sealing Master known to mankind. You are still but a child to him."

Naruto pouted at his remark. He knew it was out of his league but he could have been less insulting about it.

"So Power?" asked again Naruto, not wanting to hear anymore insults directed at his Skills.

"Yes, Power. Don't ask questions you already know the answer to. Now go!" ordered Kurama, forcing Naruto of the mindscape.

Naruto opened his eyes and sighed. The Fox can be quite demanding sometimes.

"Well?" asked an also impatient Ino.

"He won't talk. He said we'll find out once we disable the barrier and the Genjutsu." Grumbled an annoyed Narutuo.

Ino was also disappointed and was starting to get irritated. Seriously, why all the secrecy? Just tell her already, dammit.

"I suck at Genjutsus so would you do the honors Ino?" asked Naruto.

She nodded and turned towards the seemingly uninteresting field. She closed her eyes and concentrated. She made the hand sign for Kai and waited for the Genjutsu to drop.

After a few moments of waiting and still nothing happened. She turned towards Naruto who had a focused look on his face.

"Why doesn't it work?" asked a baffled Ino. She may not be an expert when it comes to Genjutsu but she knows a thing or two about dispelling Genjutsus, even higher ones.

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