Part 5

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Unknown place""""""""""""""""""""

"Sir, reporting in." said a voice from the shadows.

"Speak!" said a grim voice.

"As per your request I was observing the Yamanaka residence. Everything was normal since I stationed myself there, until last night that is." Said the shadow in a professional voice.

" And? What happened?" asked the voice of the leader.

" Yamanaka Ino was seen in the company of another male whose identity I couldn't ascertain. They seem to have been on a date, judging by the way they dressed and acted. The young male came around 8 o'clock to the Yamanaka residence where he was invited in by Yamanaka Inoichi. He emerged from the household 10 minutes later with Yamanaka Ino. Next, they used Shunshin to go somewhere, where, I don't know since I couldn't follow them. I stayed there for the night and saw them return together, sir." Said the shadow.

The man in charge wasn't pleased with his spy's news. His target, Yamanaka Ino, his future wife is seeing someone else complicating things even further than they were. No, the man was definitely not pleased with this information.

" This certainly complicates things. But no matter, the plans will just have to be altered a bit. Maybe we can use this unknown man to our benefit." Mused the man who could barely contain his anger at the news.

" What are my orders, sir?" asked the shadow who was waiting patiently for his master.

" You are to cease observing the Yamanaka residence. I have a mission for you. Whoever this intruder is, he is probably a ninja. Yamanaka Ino wouldn't go out with a weakling, a normal civilian, that much I know. If by some off chance he decides to interfere with my plans we will need more muscle." Said the man in a professional tone.

"I see. What shall you have me do, sir?" asked the shadow. The spy was no fool. He was great at staying hidden, but an all out fight against a ninja would be suicide for him.

" You are to contact any mercenary ninja you can find. Offer them whatever they want in exchange for their services. You have by the end of the week. My plan starts then. Understood?" ordered the leader.

"Understood, sir. But if I may be so bold, why are you so interested in the young Yamanaka?" asked the spy carefully not wanting to anger the more powerful man.

" Fair question but believe you can be trusted with this information. You know what will happen to you if you betray my trust." Said the leader in a dangerous tone.

The spy nodded, fully aware what would happen to him if he betrayed his master.

" You see, my family was once very powerful and rich. We were one of the leading merchant families in the Fire Nation. We had ties with the Daimyo himself, so powerful were we. It all went downhill when my father was in charge of our family. You see he was searching for a wife but not just any wife. No, my father was a very picky man. He wouldn't marry an ordinary woman no matter how beautiful she might be." Described the man. The man paused.

He seemed deep in thought, probably remembering something. He continued after this short break.

" And he found her, right here in Konoha. He told me that she was his chosen one, his leading lady. He said that it wasn't her beauty that captured his attention, even though she was supposed to be one of the most beautiful women in Konoha at that time. No, it was her temper. She wasn't like any other women, she talked back, fought back. She even refused my father's offer to become his wife and embarrassed him in front of her friends and I think that was the deciding thing for my father. No one refused my father, no one. Even the Daimyo of the Fire Nation would think twice before refusing my father." Boasted the now grinning man clearly proud of his family and father.

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