Chapter 19 - Last Night Together

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Luna's POV

For the past couple months I've been hanging out with Calum and the guys the most I could before they had to leave. In less than 24 hours they have to get on a plane to their first city. I don't know what to do for our last day together but I'll let Calum come up with something. He always has something in store for us. Usually I like his ideas better than mine.

I'm currently in bed scrolling through the boys Instagram because I got bored. As I was scrolling I get a text from Calum asking about if I could come over to Michaels place. I send a quick reply, get ready and rush out the door.

As I pull up to Michaels, I knock on the door and wait for someone to answer. Speaking of Michael, he opens the door and greets me.

"Hey there!" He says to me. I laugh a little at how excited he is about seeing me. I walk in and see Ashton and Luke on the couch playing Mario Kart. I had got an idea of scaring them.

I start walking slowly behind them and as I touch them I yell.... "BOO!" They freak out for a hot minute and turn around probably thinking I was Michael or Calum. But jokes on them it's me. They turn around to find out it was in fact me.

"Jesus! I didn't know it would be you scaring me Luna." Ashton says as he starts laughing. I join in with his laughing for a couple minutes. Luke seemed like it wasn't funny at all and he was actually scared. 

"Oh come on Luke it was funny admit it." I tell him. He looks at me with a straight face as to make it more obvious that it wasn't funny to him. I shrug as I now wonder something. 

"Hey do you guys know where Calum i-" I say but get cut off by Calum hugging me from behind and spinning me. Scaring me at first but realizing who it was.

"Calum!" I yell playfully. Everyone starts laughing. I roll my eyes and sat on the couch as everyone sits down still laughing.

"Now that was funny. You should of seen the look on your face." Luke says laughing. After they all finish laughing there was just awkward silence in the room. I clear my throat to break the silence.

"Uh are we not going to talk about the elephant in the room?" I ask them. Trying to break this silence between us.

"Oh yeah Calum would you like to explain what we were going to do today?" Michael askes Calum. Calum explains that the guys and I would go out for lunch and then later tonight us and the rest of the friend group would head to the beach for some drinks, listen to music and party.

"That sounds great!" I say to Calum as he explained what we were doing today. After a little bit of more chatting we decided to head to our local diner down the street where most of us eat at a lot. We get seated and chat about tonight.

"You know guys, I hope your tour goes great. You guys are so talented." I say to them as I try to change the topic.

"Thanks." They all said at the same time. We talk more about it and laughed. Some how we ended up on the topic of the kind of band members were better.

"We can't decide so Luna will." Michael says. They all look over at me. My mouth formed an evil grin.

"Well I think it's obvious. I like bassist BUT drummers aren't that bad." I say get faces from Calum and a giddy smile from Ashton. 

"That's not fair you like drummers now?" He says complaining. We all laugh at how Calum was acting. We finish eating and I argue to spit the bill with them but I lost and let them pay. I say my goodbyes and told them that I would see them later tonight. 

{Couple hours later}

I put on a pair of black jean shorts with a Nirvana T-shirt that I had. I put on a little bit of makeup and slipped on my black converse. I wanted for Marie on the couch as I went on my phone. After five minutes I yell her name to ask if she is finally ready. She walks out in a skinny black dress and her hair all done. 

I chuckle to myself. "Marie we aren't going to a club, we are going to the beach." I say to her. She looked at me with disappointment and went back to her room and changed. I waited for her and she back with a sundress on and a bikini under it. I didn't plan on swimming so I didn't wear anything to swim with. With both of our styles, we were bipolar. 

"Okay now lets get going! They are probably waiting on us." I say to her as we walk to my car. We get in and I start driving to the beach. What's cool about tonight is that it will be a full moon. How perfect is that? As I park me and Marie head down to the sand and spot our group of friends sitting on the sand, blasting music, and drinking. We kept walking over to them until Harry ran up to Marie hugging her and spinning her. Ugh love. Something I don't expect for me. I sit with the rest of the guys. It was Calum, Michael, Luke, Ashton, Harry, Niall, Louis, Quinn, but there was this girl that sitting next to Luke. She was really pretty. She had this black straight hair with these green emerald eyes. I sit between Ashton and Calum. We all drink and enjoy ourselves. We are currently talking about the embarrassing stories from high school.

"Yeah and me and Louis were running in gym next to this one kid for the exams and he fell face first in front of everyone!" Michael says as we all starts laughing. I miss the times in high school, but then again I don't. With me and Calum, that wasn't the best thing. I ended up going to senior prom alone. Being a third wheel with Harry and Marie I guess I could say. 

"Luna you got any stories to share?" Niall askes me. Speaking of senior prom. 

"During senior prom, I sat alone at this table while Marie and Harry went to dance and some kid that was with his date over at another table and he started puking all over this girls dress. It was fucking hilarious." I say and everyone was laughing.

We all continued to hang and everyone decided that they wanted to go in the water. They're  over in the water, throwing each other in and having fun. I sit by the shore and watch them having fun. Someone sits next to me and I notice it's Calum. As I sat on the sandy beach, the moonlight shining on my face, I look over at Calum with a smile.

"Hey Luna?" He askes me. I look into his caramel eyes that I adored for so long.

"Yes Cal?"

"I have to tell you something." He says to me.

"What is it?" I ask.

"I think I'm in love with you."

Right as he said that to me. My heart rate quickens up. I was speechless. I never would think my bestfriend would fall for me. I stare into eyes for a little while trying to find the words to say.

"I'm sorry I should of never said that. I know you don't feel the same towards me." He says as he rambles off. I look up to the full moon. 

"I feel some way towards you. But I can't put a finger on it." I say as I look back his face. His eyes glimmering from the moonlight. We stare into each others eyes. We both start leaning in. I closed my eyes as he kissed me softly under the full moon. The way he passionately kissed me was explaining the love he had towards me. I kissed back giving in. Maybe I was in love too. I'm not sure, but it sucks that he going away for the whole summer.

We both stop and look over at each other again. I hug him tightly dropping a tear. I'm going to miss him. Who knows Calum might be that famous I'll never see him again. I just want to hold him in my arms for forever. I never want this night to end. I eventually start crying on Calum's chest. He pulls me away and wipes a tear from under my eye.

"I'm going to miss you Calum." I say to him.

"Me too Lu." He says back to me.

"Please never forget this night, and neither me Cal." I say looking at him with my glossy eyes. 

"A promise is a promise."


Author's Note



Tpwk- Onlyangelzz 

I'm Not Scared Of Love - C.H. Fanfiction (I'm Not Scared Of Love Series; Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now