Chapter 10 - Ghost of Me.

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Luna's POV

I open my eyes and sit up to a dark room. I was in a wooden chair but that wasn't the point. There was a door in front of me. As I sat up I walked to the door I felt some one pull on my shoulder. I turn around and see the ghost of me. 

"What is the door for?" I asked myself.

"This is the door that takes you back to your body. But the dark will get you and they won't let you back. Luna, you are slowly dying." She tells me.

"What can I do?" I say as I panicked. I can't die I'm too young.

"Fight. Fight for what you love and don't give up. You got this Luna I believe in you." She says as she vanishes. I trying running towards the door and I get pulled by the leg back. I start panicking even more.

But then I realized. I can't die right now. I have Calum, the boys, my best friend Marie, my family. I can't die on them. So I got up and ran as fast as I could before I could be pulled back out and made it through the door.

Calum's POV

{ 20 minutes before }

I rushed here with the boys to the hospital to meet here with Luke. I went to the counter and told the lady that I was here for Luna.

"Sorry but only family members or her partner is allowed in the room right now." She tells me.

"I'm her boyfriend." I say to her.

"Alright she is room 304." She tells me and I rush to down the halls to get to the room. I walk in and see two nurses running around pacing the room as if they didn't know what to do. 

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"I'm afraid she isn't. She is having trouble breathing and she is uh, slowly dying." The first nurse told me. I start to panic.

"No, no, no!" I say as I stand by her and squeeze her hand. 

"Luna please don't die on me!" I say with voice crack. I couldn't loose my bestfriend in the whole world. I also loved her. Even if she didn't know, I wanted to live my life with her.

She starts to move and groaning. This can't be good.

'Please don't die on me' is what I repeated in my head. I can't let her go now. I kiss her hand and I feel a tear fall down my cheek.

I hear the heart rate stop beeping and now ringing. No she can't die on me. I believe she can fight.

My tear drops on her hand and I slowly wipe it away. I look up to her as now my eyes are pouring tears. I just lost my bestfriend. I lost the girl I grew up with. I watched her die right in front of me.

As I wipe my face I hear the heart rate beep again. Oh my god it's a miracle! 

Luna sits up super fast and starts breathing again. I can't believe she made it! I look at her and hug her so tight that I was afraid I'll loose her again.

"I wouldn't die on you Calum." She tells me as she starts to cry now. I didn't care as long as she didn't die it doesn't matter if we cry. I almost lost my bestfriend.

"I thought I lost you." I say as my voice cracks again. As I hug her tight again I hear the boys come in the room. I let go of her and turn towards the guys. 

"You aright?" Luke asked Luna.

"Yeah I'm good. I almost died." She says to him with a chuckle at the end. 

"Oh my god." Ash says as he runs up and hugs Luna. I so glad she didn't die. I honestly thought I lost her. I couldn't live the rest of my life without her.

As we just chatted the other nurse comes in and tells us that Luna has to stay in the hospital for tonight so they can make sure her body is regulating fine and that she will leave in the morning. 

The nurse hands her some papers and a pen to sign. 

"Hey do you want me to pick you up tomorrow morning?" I ask her.

"Yeah that's fine and thanks." She says to me.

"No problem."

Zayn's POV (Also Rare)

{ That Night During the Hospital } 

I walk kicking everyone that was here at the party out because I just wanted to go to bed cause I was tired. So I walk in where everyone is and I see Calum beating the shit out of Ethan. But I also see Luna on the floor. 

I see everyone crowding the hallway watching Calum on top of Ethan beating the shit out of him. Then I see Michael and Ashton running through the crowd to pull Calum off of Ethan and I see Luke picking up Luna and to his car. What happen to her? Honestly I'm fucking confused.

I see Ashton telling something to Calum and Michael and Calum looks fucking pissed and worried. They rush out the door and now I have a crowd of people just standing around the hall gossiping. I see Ethan sat on the floor against the door with a bloody nose, busted lips, and bruises. 

"Alright! Everyone party is over, so please leave now and take your belongings!" I say as I push everyone out. Finally when everyone left I walk over to Ethan still on the floor. 

"So what happened?" I ask him.

"I was trying to get her to do me but this dick head Calum came and ruined it." He says as he wiped blood off his nose.

"What the fuck. He is always in the way." I say to myself.  

"What if I try and blackmail Calum?" I ask Ethan. I think it can do something with that. So it will make him look bad and she will be running to Ethan.

"For what?" Ethan askes.

"I got a plan." 


Authors Note


What do you think Zayn's going to do to blackmail Calum? What will happen next? Comment your thoughts below!

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Tpwk- Onlyangelzz

I'm Not Scared Of Love - C.H. Fanfiction (I'm Not Scared Of Love Series; Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now