Ch. 6: for nostalgia's sake

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*sabres pov*

I step out of the portal and wait a second until i can see clearly again, only to be met with an angry pair of green eyes staring me down. "Ehehheh... Heh... Heeeeeeyyyyyy Green Steve... Long time no see...??" I panic as I look into the eyes of an absolute disappointment filled Steve in front of me. That reminds me... I should break this portal.

I put my netherite sword back into the enderbag and grab my iron pickaxe out of my inventory. I start hammering away at the portal frame. "so...what time is it...?" I ask nervously as the Steve continues to stare me down in silence. "6 am. Where were you." Green demands in a very serious tone. OK Sabre you got this. Be vague. "uh... On an adventure...!" oh no. That was way too nervous. "Sabre..." Green says sighing, "I saw you come out of that portal. Why would you go in there?! Do you even realize how scared I was when I woke up and you were gone?!??" Green says now getting a little loud. "I-I'm sorry Green... I just...I uh... I'm here now! In one piece!" I say now desperately trying to break the stupid obsidian frame.

"SABRE. WHAT IF YOU DIDN'T. WHAT IF YOU HAD GOTTEN STUCK-WHAT IF YOU DIED?! WHAT WOULD WE AND YELLOW HAVE DONE???!" Green was now screaming at me. Finally the frame broke and the purple mist dissapeard in a small implosion. oof.

"Green... I'm... I'm sorry... I just... I don't know what I was thinking... I... Uhm...I'm sorry..." I mumble as I put away my pickaxe. "*sigh* why are you like this...?" Green sighs as he pulls me into a hug.
I hug back. "I'm sorry I worried you..."

"It's ok... Just...NEVER EVER do that again. Ok?" Green asks as he let's go of the hug and looks into my eyes... Or well blindfold. "I Promise, I'll never do that again" I promise and then take greens hand. Together we walk back to where our camp is.

"hey is yellow awake yet?" I ask out of curiosity.
"yup, and he's freaking out." just as green said that we hear and see lightning strike the camp.
"UH, WHAT." I blurt out without realizing.
"That's yellow, he's running in circles. When yellow steve's do that they create energy and that energy shows in lightning." Green says calmly while dragging me back to camp. "oh. OH NO. IS HE GOOD?" I ask now realizing that there's fire everywhere and find yellow hastily trying to put it out.

"Hey... Yellow...!" I call out hesitantly. Yellow instantly wips his head in my direction. As soon as he sees me his panicked expresion switches to one full of relieve as he runs over in a blink and tackle-hugs me. "he-OOF" I gasp when my yellow friend squeezes me.

"SABRE!!! WHERE WERE YOU?! I WAS WORRIED!!" he shouts, even though I'm right in front of him. "'s okay... I'm here now." I say trying to calm and reassure him. I hug him back as yellow seems to be very unwilling to let go.

We stay in this hug Position for a good 10 minutes. Wow. He really doesn't wanna let go. Like, at all.

"Hey yellow... I'm sorry I left but... You can let go now." I say awkwardly as I let go of the hug. Yellow releases me from the bone crushing squeeze but doesn't let go of my shoulders. "Never. Do. That. Again...Ever." yellow says in the most serious tone I've ever heard him in. "yes. I already promised and I also promise you" I reassure him more.

Just then I realized that we were standing amidst a sea of flames. "Uh, yellow... Everything's on fire." just as I reminded yellow he started freaking out again putting out the flames.

After half an hour of putting out fire and packing up our stuff we finally got to continue on our adventure.

When we started walking, I took one last look at the obsidian frame in the distance.

What were those things...? They looked... Corrupted...

Huh... Why was that one so scared at first... That was just a whole nother level of strange. At first he was scared, then he attacked me, then more attacked me and as soon as I pull out a weapon they run from me...

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