Ch. 17: The masks I wear

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* Sabres pov *

I wake up well rested from my nap.

Welp, it's a quarter before midnight.

Time to get ready.

Oh. It's storming outside... Meh, that won't stop me.

"Time to get ready to rob someone! :D" I say to myself  and start walking down the stairs.

I grab a bite to eat from the kitchen and head back up to my room.

I go to the closet and pick out my assassin robes.

My dark green robe that's splaterd with dried up blood. It almost looks black dark-red ish... should be perfect for the job.

This assassin outfit is enchanted with protection and thorns so... I should be good.

I never really put many enchantments on this... Except the boots. I have a bunch of useful enchantments on those.

I put on my assassin robes and get my bags equipped and secured, so they'll stay in place while parcouring.

Okay... Now weapon storage.

I walk down to the cellar and grab all the stuff I'll need.

I grab some blocks, two daggers, two short swords, my pocket knife that I can put into the holster on my boot, and check my enderbag for more weapons.

I grab my reality-bow and my netherite sword.

I go to another chest and take 32 enderpearls.

I also grab a normal crossbow and ready an ender arrow in it.

Another thing I grab out of my enderbag is a special crossbow that's enchanted with Quick Shot III, Multishot, Mending and Unbreaking III.

I also grab some very colourful rockets.

I ready three rockets in the crossbow and put it in my inventory.

Hm... oh! I need some invisibility potions.

I walk over to the potion section of my cellar and grab 6 invisibility potions to drink and 2 to throw.

I should take some extra potions with me.

I grab several throwing potions like Multiple strength potions, regeneration potions, instant health potions, some fire resistance, slow falling, resistance, withering, jump boost, speed and levitation.

Okay... That's pretty much all the useful potions I have...


Withering arrows :).

I'm taking these.

I sort my inventory making sure everything is where it's supposed to be. 

Okay... Now I just need some food.

I walk back up the stairs and get to the kitchen.

I grab a stack of steak and a flint and steel from the kitchen and decide to get ready to go.

Hm... Should I take the end crystal with me?

Im gonna take it with me.

If that imposter brings me to his leader and they find me... Then I'll need something to intimidate them.

It's now midnight...

I quickly climb on my houses roof and parcour over to the citadel in the pouring rain.

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