Ch. 14: Conspiracies

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*M's pov*

I need to talk to sabre.

I need to figure out how he managed to talk about them without concequence...

Sabres house comes into view... 

Huh? Why...?

What in the world...? 

Well this is something I didn't expect...

Why's there guards all around sabre's house?


Oh boy... What did you get yourself into this time?

I walk up to one of the guards and ask them, "hey uh... Why is sabre's house guarded so heavily? Did something happen?"

"hm? Oh. The leaders have ordered us to guard the house until sabre's personal guards are fully trained and equipped." one guard says.

"well, is he allowed to have visitors?" I ask.

"yes of course." the guard lets me past so I can ring the bell.

!!! RING RING!!!

*sabres pov*

OH I'm back at my house.

Huh... So...
I guess time steve knows now...
Oh well... He was bound to find out sooner or later.

!!! RING RING!!!

Oh right! M!

I run down the stairs and open the door to find my hooded friend with a big smile greeting me.

"hey sabre! Mind telling me what happened here?" he asks as he motions over to the guards.

"ah...nothing...! yeah. Good evening guards! Wanna come in for some tea, M?" I ask the disguised red steve.

"yes...I'd like some tea." he says while he takes the invite to come inside.

I gently close the door behind him and head over to the kitchen.

Red sits down at the kitchen table while I walk over to the kitchen and put a bucket with water into the oven.

"Hey M? You wanna try some new kind of tea? Or the same as last time? " I ask the hooded figure watching me get some herbs out of a cabinet.

"Wait, there's different kinds of tea? What's the difference between them??" Red asks while standing back up to walk over to me.

"The biggest difference is that they taste different. Here. I found a really good herb mix that tastes amazing." I explain my point and look at M expectantly.

"oh, well in that case, I would love to try the new one!" M says while we start making some small talk.

We sir down at the table, enjoy some tea, joke around and enjoy the tea.

After a little bit of joking around M started voicing some concerns about the demon steve's.

"what do you mean they can shift reality?" I ask the hooded figure bluntly, m starts to panic.

"DON'T SAY THAT-" He screams in a panic.

"what? There's beings in the world below that have the ability to shift reality?" I cut him off.



We sit in silence.

But nothing happened.

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