Ch. 30: Visit In Disguise

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*sabre's pov*

Well, yesterday was an eventful day!

Loads of good stuff happened.

D got to experience a festival, blue and indigo are now dating and I'm green.


The colour is waterproof.

So...I'll be green steve for a while.

Or at least a little faded green steve.

The green colour isn't as vibrant anymore. So... It should be gone in no time... Maybe a day or two.

I decided for today I shall be green steve again. But this time I'm telling time steve. Heheh I'm planning to go to the red village with him today. We need to talk to the professor.

I know he was able to get to the world below... Maybe he has some knowledge about end crystals?

I hope he does.

I wanna know if they are dangerous here.

Well... I'm gonna need to find a way to stop this whole... Swapping between au's thing...

Well-... It is nice to talk to that other void steve

-the nice one.

He's fun to be around. He kinda reminds me of rainbow Steve.

He talks and acts a lot like him. I like that.

Well I told him about what I did here.

Although it was hard to explain it to him cause he was laughing about the green dye thing throughout the entire story.

Oh well.

Time to get dressed.

I put on my normal green hoodie, some dark green pants, green leather boots-... With 5 inch high soles...and to top it all off... A dark green blindfold!

Dont ask why I need 5 extra inches of hight.

Welp. Off I go.

I need to find time...although that won't be too hard.

He's downstairs probably.

I walk down the stairs to find time sitting at the table enjoying more tea.

"mornin timey" I say as I do a stretch and yawn.

"morning- oh. :> That's a Big stretch-... did you sleep well?" time asks while drinking the last of his tea.

"yep, I'm going out as green steve today." I say really quickly as I start rummaging through a random chest.

"alright, you planning to sneak off again?" time asks with a smirk.

"yep, but you're coming with me." I say as I pull out a neatly folded cloak from the chest.


"yeah, I think I have an idea of who could help us with this whole... Universe shifting and moving towards one another thing." I say as I put on the cloak.

It's a cloak I had from a LOOONG time ago... Or at least a replica.

It was from another life, that was... An interesting one...

I was a child that was a part of a cult.

A cult made up of me and my friend nugget. Huh.

That was a really wierd and gorey time.

Oh well.

It's not a child size now... I've made it so I can wear it as an adult.

"okay time to go." I say to time steve.

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