Ch. 27: Preparations

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*sabres pov*

"OOOOOOO Kay... Let's not talk about this..." I yawn and lean back on the chair a bit.

"what do-NO! We're talking about this, whether you like it or not. >:/" time steve says with a disappointed look.

"*sigh... Okay... We'll talk about it... But... Not right now please. Let's talk this through with someone who might know how to fix it." I calmly explain.

" hmmm... You make a good point. Fine. But... Who do you have in mind?" time asks letting the tension, previously in the room, dispell.

" hm... I need to think about that some more... But... Until then... Did you... Get my letter? " I ask looking at the clock man with an unbreakable gaze.

" yeah! The dinner is a wonderful idea! And it's also very funny to me, that you sent elemental an 'un-invitation' " time steve laughs and takes out the letter i sent him.

"yeah hahahaha I thought I should tell him that he's not invited to the party." I giggle and get up to walk over to the cabinet.

"and yeah! I would love to help orginize this!" time steve cheers.

"great! I know you love your cooking so... I thought you might enjoy helping out in the kitchen" I check all the food I have at the moment.

"but... Where is everyone gonna eat? The house is a little small don't you think? How many people are you inviting?" time asks, walking over to me.

"not sure... But I was thinking of inviting the entire kingdom..." I say awkwardly.

"th... The ENTIRE... KINGDOM??????!" time says in disbelieve.

"yap... The question is where should I make it... I could ask some yellow steve's to help me with building...but where exactly." I lean on the counter and think.

"hmm...what if you held the party in the citadel? Y'know like the last Festival?" time steve suggests.

"hmm...I'd have to talk to the leaders about that... But that's a good idea!!!!" I cheer and get over to a chest so i can grab a book and quill.

I write down some stuff.

Mainly resources like wool and wood.

Important: Paint, an empty canvas 2x2 and paint brushes.

Alright this gotta do.

I just need some... Uh... Currency.


" okay... I've got written down everything we'll need. All I need to do now is get the leaders to agree to this." I say triumphantly.

" I'll give this to my personal guards. And you come with me. We'll go make a quick meeting with the COUNSIL. hehehehe the counsil shall decide our fates.... Hhejehejejjehehe I like that meme. ANYWAYS. let's get a meeting with the leaders." I ramble and drag time steve with me.

" Wh- what's a meme??? " time asks but I just ignore him.

I hand the personal guards the list. They get the resources for me.

I call a meeting with all the leaders.

I can convince them to let me throw the party... Or well...more like a festival... Meh.

Well the least is that I managed to get all the leaders to agree. Including light steve.

So that's a win!!! :]

Now all I need to do is get the supplies for... The special event...


All the stuff that's been happening lately... I almost forgot what I had planned for the two lovebirds...

Reincarnation [Rainbow Quest Adventure] Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang