Ch. 23: really? Again??

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*sabres pov*

"phew.... Finally done!" I sigh as I sit down on the a chair in the newly furnished room.

"ugggghhhh that was exhausting. Did we have to do that all today????" red grumbles as he's laying face down on the floor.

"yep. I didn't want you to sleep in a washroom. Plus, I was very determined to be productive today." I say and giggle at the state the steve is in.

"don't laugh at my pain..." red steve whines and looks up at me.

I smile and stand up to stretch.

I do a good long stretch and hear some of my bones pop.

Red finches at the sound and looks up with shock.

"Wha- was that you?????" he asks with a slight undertone of concern.

"what? The cracking sound? Yeah?" I say confused as to why he looks concerned.

"are your bones okay? ;-;" my new roommate asks, slowly getting up.

"yeah? Why would my bones not be okay?" I say and stretch my legs some more.

"breaking bones just like that doesn't seem enjoyable..." red mumbles.

"eh-...pffff- Hehehehehe- you think I'm breaking my bones???" I laugh questioning if he's really a red steve, because he seems to lack a certain understanding of the human body-



"hehehehe... Heh...He... Wait... Does... Does that not happen to steve's??" I question the red steve while containing my laughter some more.

"no...! Our bones are basically indestructible. I know humans are more delicate than steve's... But... I didn't think it was that easy to snap a bone." red said as i realize something.


Steve's are built different.

How else would they be completely fine to get hit by lightning and continue their life like nothing ever happened.


How do I keep on forgetting, that steve's are like cobwebs.

They look like they're easily breakable but as soon as you try, you'll find that they are harder to break than obsidian.


I wonder if there's a cobweb steve somewhere out there.



"sabre..?" I hear red steve as he breaks me out of my thoughts.

"huh? Oh. Sorry. Was just thinking about something...!" I excuse myself and then look at the clock.

"whoa. Already 10 pm? I should go to sleep. So should you." I say to Red.

"oh! Didn't even realize it got dark... Oh well. Goodnight!" red said while going over to his closet.

"alright. I'll go to bed as well. I'm exhausted." I sigh and close the door behind me.

I tiredly go to the front door to make sure it's locked.

Then I walk upstairs and change.

"ah! Finally bed time. I'm actually tired for once..." I mumble happily and lay down in the fluffy feather filled covers.

Hmmmm... Nice and cozy...

I feel the warm covers slowly helping me drift to sleep.




I slowly wake up from my slumber.

I quietly look up at the dark oak ceiling.

The room is dimly lit by... Wait.

Why's the light slightly green tinted?

Aren't my ceilings spruce wood...?

I sit up from the... Whoa! This is a king-sized bed?

This... This isn't my bed.

I sit up and look around the room.

"hmmm???" I Humm and stretch my arms.

This place feels familiar.

I analyze the room.

I'm sitting in a king-sized bed, which is placed in the middle of the room, with it's head side touching the wall right underneath a big green and white window.

The window is roughly around 10 blocks high.

The bed has a big dark green blanket.

On both sides of the bed there's dark oak bedside tables with fancy lamps.

The room is decorated with paintings and banners, many bookshelves-even a chandelier in the middle of the room.

All of the furniture is made from dark oak.

The room is huge!!!

Now that I look closer...

It's kinda in a semi circle design.

The bed is on the curved side and the door is in the middle of the flat side of the half circle.

I quietly stand up and look around some more...

"is... Is this bed on a... On a mezzanine?" I ask myself...

If I'm correct a mezzanine is a balcony that's inside the house.

So basically an elevated floor that's still connected to the same main room.
It goes around the curve...

Over where the curve of the semicircle hits the wall there's stairs that lead down... On both sides...

There's also some stairs in the middle of the curve, where the bed is.

I slowly walk over to the stairs and let my hand slide along the railing that decorates the balcony...

The curved wall is decorated with huge bookshelves, reaching up to the ceiling and inbetween of those shelves there's more of those windows.

There's ladders at every separate shelf...

The space Underneath the windows is each decorated with a desk and an armchair...

Looks like there's small cabinets under those desks... Maybe for paper? Empty books? Ink??? Just... Desk stuff?? Who knows! I sure don't.

I silently walk down the stairs and look at what's under the balcony.

To my surprise the half circle under the balcony is decorated with equally spaced rooms.

One looks like a kitchen, one next to it has some small barriers to close it... Might be a bathroom.

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