Ch. 24: a mad scientist

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*sabres pov*

Ugh... I'm tired.

I feel like I didn't even get any sleep...

This sucks.

These past few nights I've kept on dreaming about that... That different... World? Reality??

Not sure what that was exactly...

It's annoying...

I think I've figured out what's happening...

So, my hypothesis is, I think that these dreams are some kind of connection to a different realm... An alternate universe if you will... At some point my body must've been split into two somehow and ended up in two different, yet still somehow identical looking worlds...

Somehow my other half is trying to fuse back together with me...

The thing I'm trying to figure out is, what triggered this sudden move.

I don't think my body would automatically Try and come back to me...


For me to be able to experience my other halves experience... That other universe would have to be really close.

Almost colliding with this one.

And that's dangerous.

I've been thinking... What if this universe and the other are moving towards each other...

What if they... Collide...?

Sigh...i don't wanna think about that...

What... What if... That's my fault...?


That's a bad thing to think about...

I need to talk to someone about this... But to who?

I mean the void steve from the other world isn't much help. He's just as confused as me.

In this world... The only one who knows about my multiple lives is green...

I don't think he would understand it either...

Who could possibly... Under... Stand... Oh... Oh no... I think I have a bit of an idea of who might know.

M once mentioned... A red steve that went to the world below... He called him a professor... Well-

He called him a crazy professor but-

Maybe that guy might be crazy enough to understand.

I should go to the red village to figure this out.

I mean those guys are smart.

Smarter than the red steve I have in my house.

Speaking of red steve in my house.

We just got done eating breakfast.

Red is hanging out in his room...


Should I also give him a nickname?

Since... There'll be a lot of red steves there....

I should call him r.d.



Thats...thats a wierd name for him.

Maybe... F?





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