Ch. 3: A Loud Morning

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*Sabres pov*

I slowly startled awake... I woke up in a tent. There's voices outside... Hm... It's pretty early...
I decide to listen to what the voices outside are saying.

"I don't know if I should wake him... He seems like he could use some more sleep..." Argued a familiar voice. "Well, we have to get going and pack up the tents before sunrise! Why were you two up so late anyway? I heard you leave the tent, you and Sabre didn't come back for a while." said the other voice. "Well... Sabre isn't doing too well mentally right now... So I went back to check on him..."

"Yeah uh-hu. You two were most defenetly smooching under the moon light~" one of the voices teased. "Wh- nO WE WEREN'T!!! YOU WEREN'T THERE!!! WE HUGGED! THAT'S ALL!!!" the first voices raised. "Green and Sabre sittin' in a tree, K I-" the second voice was cut off. "-SHUT!!! NOTHING HAPPENED." The first voice seemed rather angry now. "Jeez, fine, calm down. It's just a joke!" the second voice now back paddling real fast causing me to giggle quietly.

That's the point where I decided to get up, so those two wouldn't have to argue anymore...
I slowly get up and grab my blindfold that I removed before I went to sleep. I sleep a lot better without something constantly being strapped around my head. I put it on and decide to quietly crawl my way out the tent.

The two steves were having a very heated conversation of teasing and denying. I decided to just start packing up some stuff I left out to dry. Somehow they still didn't notice me walking around.

I grabbed most of the stuff that was still laying around and decided to go refill my water bottles, we're most defenetly gonna need them on our trip later. I walked down to the lake and refilled the bottles while I thought about yesterday night. It was nice sitting out here with Green...

I should get back. I walked back only to find two steves running around in a panic.

"WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE WHERE IS HE?!!!!?" panicked Green Steve "I DON'T KNOW DON'T, SCREAM AT ME!!!" Yellow Steve argued back as he was running in circles out of panic.

" Hehe... Maybe I should have a little fun with this...!" I thought to myself as I went over to a tree and climbed into it's crown." Hehe... a terrified scream is all I need... "

Green and Yellow we're looking around in a panic when suddenly they heard a scream in the distance.
"SABRE!!" Both screamed in a panic as they ran into the direction of the scream.

"... Haha they're coming..." I wispered as I got ready to jump them...

"Where is-AAAA" Yellow yelped as he fell to the ground with me landing on top of him, sitting on his back so he couldn't see me. "Stay down! This is a robbery!!!" I shouted as I made sure Yellow couldn't escape my grip. "YOU TOOK HIM DIDN'T YOU?! YOU TOOK SABRE!! WHERE IS HE???!" Yellow shouted full of rage. "YELLOW ARE YOU-YELLOW!! O- SABRE?!" Green said as he ran through the bushes to find us. "SABRE?! WHERE?!" Yellow shouted with relief.

"HAHA, gotcha'!!!" I laughed at their reaction. "Sabre, that is so mean! We're you planning this?!" Green said as he walked over to help Yellow and me up. "Whyyyyy???! Why would you do this to us?!" yellow asked me over dramatically. "I couldn't stand you two arguing outside of my tent, I mean, you didn't even notice me coming out of the tent and packing up our stuff. So I thought I'd give you some payback for ignoring me." I said as I started walking back to our campsite.

"Wait, you packed up Stuff??? I didn't even notice!" Green spoke in surprise and disbelieve as he ran to catch up to me. "Yeah, if anything I feel betrayed cause you we're too busy arguing and ignoring me." I pouted as I pretended to be mad. "Wh- no! Sabre! I'm sorry!" Green whined as he hugged me and looked at me with worry, I hate it when he does this... It makes me feel bad... "Hey it's OK! I'm kidding! I'm not mad, let's just pack our stuff before the sun completely rises above the horizon." I laughed hugging the worried Steve as yellow came over to us and joined in as well. "I don't know why you're hugging but I need one as well." yellow whined as we let him join our hug.

"Heh okay let's get going and packing our Stuff." I said letting go of the hug, well, trying to let go of the hug but Green was still holding the sides of me arms.

"Listen Sabre, I know we shouldn't have argued like that, I know that you hate it when people don't get along. And I'm sorry if it reminded you of something in your past." Green said as I could tell tears were starting to sting his eyes. "H-how could you tell..." I started but was cut off.

"I know that look. Even though I can't see your eyes sabre... I can tell when your sad, especially when you think about your past, your body language gives it away..." Green spoke in a sad and worried tone. "Oh... Green, you're way too good at reading people for your own good... Listen... Just try not to argue as much okay...? And about my past... Just don't. Please I really don't wanna talk about it. It's way too complicated." I said as I noticed yellow standing there rather confused and now also worried." Uh... Yellow! It's okay don't worry, I'm fine let's just go pack our Stuff...!" I said hesitantly as I tried to get out of greens grip, he has one hell of a strong hold, jeez. "... Okay let's get packing...!" Green sighed as he let go, "just remember sabre, you can always talk to us if you feel down" Green said more or less trieng to assure me of it, but it seemed more like he's trieng to assure himself.

After packing all our Stuff we continued our journey.
"Hehe, at least I had some fun with it... Wonder what our next destination will be." I thought to myself as My Favorite lemon colored Steve, the best Therapy Steve and I walked on our path to our next unknown destination.

It's a bit short and uneventful but I'm planning something fun next chapter.

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