Ch 11: An Escape

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*sabres pov*

Everything is nice and quiet...

I already woke up again...

How long did I sleep...? Ugh...

Only like... 2 hours...

Might as well get up and sort out the stuff downstairs...

I get up and walk over to my closet, looking through my clothes...

Most of my clothes are based on my old outfits...

I decide to go with my crafting dead look...

I put on my light blue shirt and throw my black hoody over it...

A pair of ripped jeans and some sneakers should do the trick.

And to finish it off... My Grey blindfold that is ripped at the ends.


I walk downstairs and see some bags on the kitchen counter...

Welp let's get to sorting...

Most of these are resources...

Let's see... What goes in the storage...
Woodbag, coal... Stone... Iron, gold...

Food goes to the freezer in the basement...

Yeah... I made a custom freezer in the basement.

Its basically a room made out of ice that's filled with chests. Food doesn't really spoil in this world but I've found out that the steve's find the preserved steak better than the ones I left laying in a chest in the kitchen.

I dont really care what stuff tastes like... I could eat rotten flesh and not care one bit. I mean... Food is food.

Clothes... Tent... Hm... Somethings missing...

All the bags are here...

"... Where's the end crystal..." I whisper to myself, clearly in panic.

Wait... Did I put it in my enderbag...?

I look into the enderbag but can't find the thing I'm looking for...

"did...did I put it in the wrong bag?" I say to myself standing up and looking over all my stuff...

"Oh shoot! What if green took it!" i say running out the door letting it fly shut behind me.

I decide to go check greens house first, just one Probleme with that. As soon as I get out the door there's five guards standing around the front of my house.

"uuuuuuum.... Wait... Are y'all the guards the leaders sent here...?" I ask them.

"yes we're here to make sure you're safe, we've also been informed to keep an eye on you outside of the house. Which I and the other guard next to me are in charge of. We will accompany you wherever you go." one of the two guards standing next to my doors explains.

" well... Let me guess... I'm not allowed outside the walls, am I. " I sigh as I think of a way of getting past them.

Okay... Change of plans. Check on yellow, then head back to my house and from there find a way to sneak out without them noticing...

"well... Uh I'm just gonna go check on my friend yellow." I say as I start to walk...

The two guards that were originally guarding my door now followed me while the other guards that were still around the house went into a different formation.

Wow. Light steve got this set up fairly quick.

Oh well.

I silently walk to the medical rooms in the cididel.
The two guards with me are steadily keeping up.

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