Ch. 25: 'tis but a scratch

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*sabres pov*

I wake up.

I'm way Too tired...

I focus a bit more on my surroundings...

Just now I notice that the bed feels different.

I notice I'm leaning on something.

I put all of my energy in just turning my head to look up.

I find myself being hugged by void.

He's asleep... And I'm in his arms.

I'm literally way too tired to do anything about it.

I just lean back into his hold and rest some more.

I let out a tired sigh and try to rest.

"oh thank goodness you're awake again." void sighs and yawns.

"mhm..." I Humm and continue to rest.

"for a minute I was very scared that you might've died" void says, I can feel his arms releasing me.

"mmh...why...?" I ask.

"well you see, last time you passed out I noticed that you stopped breathing. And I got really worried because your entire body just... Stopped." void says with an underlining tone of worry.

"... Wah??" is all I can say to that.

Now that I think about it...

It does explain why I'm so tired...

If I switch between these two bodies each time I pass out...

Then my body doesn't rest. It simply pauses.

This is concerning.

Normally something like this wouldn't tire me out this quickly...

All I can think off as to why I'm so tired is... Maybe...

If I'm really switching between different universes... Then...

Maybe that takes a lot of energy?


I don't have any other way of explaining it...

It's only happened like... 4 or 5 days...

Normally if I didn't sleep for 5 days I would be fine! I can stay awake for months and only then start feeling tired.


Wait did I just... Sigh.... In my mind???


No. Nono.

No getting distracted. >:/

"o-ok... I think I've figured out why I'm tired. The whole switching my mind from this to another universe... must be tiring me out...." I Muster and look up at void.

I notice I'm not wearing my blindfold...


Void said he already knew about the scars...

So he probably knows about this as well.

" oh...! So you only need to rest. But... Won't you get put back into your other body if you rest?" void asks me and pulls me closer for another hug.

He pulls me onto his lap, I'm not gonna complain... This is nice...

I lean on his shoulder and let out a quiet 'dunno...'

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