Finding Hope

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Lexa's pov:
As we ventured further into the woods, I began to grow more nervous. Something about this whole thing is off. There should have been a much larger and more aggressive pursuit behind us but Russell didn't even send a chopper out. It doesn't make sense.

I was thinking about expressing my concerns to Clarke but I can tell she is already very stressed out. There's no reason for me to make her feel even worse.

Costia had led us through the thick forest quite confidently which made me feel a little bit better. There weren't any trails or anything and it's not like we had a compass so we just had to rely on our outdoor survival skills that we both learned as agents.

I wanted to know where we were going but we had all agreed we wouldn't ask. If one of us were captured then Russell would undoubtedly question us until we reveal our intended location. There's no reason to risk that. Although over the years I haven't exactly considered myself to be very close with Costia, I trust her enough to lead us to safety. She volunteered to pick a hideout and I think it's because she knows something I don't. Maybe she has friends out here or something, or maybe we are just walking deeper and deeper into the empty forest. It doesn't really matter to me as long as Clarke remains safe.

"The sun is rising." I commented, as I continued forwards, following behind Costia and Clarke who were walking ahead of Ontari and I.

"That means we will have to be quicker. It will be much easier to spot us in the daylight." Costia answered.

"And you're sure you know where you're going?"

"Yes Lexa. But if you have another plan then by all means, take the lead."

I remained quiet knowing very well that I did not have a better plan than whatever crazy one Costia was following. In fact, I didn't have any plan at all.

"Lexa?" Clarke asked, and I quickened my pace to walk over to Clarke who was ahead of me.

"What is it Clarke?"

Suddenly Clarke stopped moving and we all stood still to look at her.

"Clarke we have to keep going." Costia insisted, but Clarke seemed as if she was in deep thought.

"I've been here before."

"What?" I asked, not really understanding how Clarke could have been to this random place in the woods. It looked just like every other part of the woods so far. I didn't understand how she could have recognized where we were.

"I have a memory of this place." Clarke continued. "These woods...there's something familiar about them."

I looked over at Ontari and Costia who seemed just as perplexed by Clarke's comment as I did, but we all remained silent just in case there was more to be said. Clarke remained still and suddenly closed her eyes tightly.

"I was here...and I was running." Clarke started to mumble. "There was someone I loved and..."

Suddenly Clarke fell to the ground of the woods, screaming in pain and clutching her abdomen tightly as her eyes remained tightly sealed.

"Clarke!" I yelled, as Costia, Ontari and I all rushed to her side.

"Ahhh!" Clarke started yelling, as she rolled over, clearly experiencing a lot of pain.

"Clarke wake up!" I begged, trying to hold her limp and screaming body and shake her awake. "Open your eyes!"

Suddenly Clarke stopped screaming and her eyes shot open. She scrambled to get out of my arms and away from Costia, Ontari and I as she pushed around on the ground.

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