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An: The winter storm has ended and I finally have power again yayyyy thanks for your patience

After Dinner was over, Ontari and I said goodbye to Cage and Carl and then followed everyone as we left the dinning halls together. We both had our eyes peeled for Lexa and Costia who were walking about 40 feet in front of us alongside Indra and Anya who haven't left their company since dinner had started. It was already rather dark out and the evening air was cool on my skin which made me shiver a little. Of course I want to blame it on the weather entirely although honestly my shivering could more directly be blamed on my nerves for what Ontari and I are doing right now.

"Where do you think they're going?" I asked Ontari in a low tone, trying to remain quiet even though I was almost certain we were out of earshot from the four girls we were trailing.

"I'm not sure." Ontari shrugged. "They might be heading towards the school building but I have no idea why they would go there."

I tried to rack my mind, thinking about why they would go into the school building voluntarily at this time of night but I couldn't come up with anything. Their behavior wasn't just out of the ordinary, it was absolutely insane. I guess that's why Ontari and I are following figure it all out.

Our suspicions were confirmed when we saw all four girls enter through the big main doors of the school building. I was about to follow after them but I felt Ontari place a hand on my shoulder, gently stopping me.

"Give it a few minutes. If we go too soon they will hear us coming."

Ontari was right so I gave her a curt nod and stood still, waiting for at least a few minutes to pass by before we continued ahead. Time seemed to be moving exceptionally slowly and I felt the nervous waves of stress in my stomach become more intense, but still I remained still next to Ontari, waiting as long as I could.

After about 2 or 3 minutes, I made eye contact with Ontari and she nodded, signaling it was safe for us to proceed forwards.

We slowly crept up to the main doors of the school building, and pulled them open slowly, each of us carefully slipping through the crack we had made in the doorway. Once we were inside, we instantly noticed that all of the lights were off except for a dim light shinning under a door on the second floor, where some of the classrooms are.

I watched as Ontari made her way towards the stairs but stopped a few feet behind her. Something was off. I had this strange sense that I was in a vulnerable state somehow and felt every single muscle in my body tighten and then start to tingle. The sensation was quite uncomfortable, nothing I could recall ever experiencing before.

Then it happened. I felt a slight gust of wind behind me and spun around, catching a hand that was heading towards my shoulder and using the momentum of my body spinning to throw the attacker over my own shoulder, slamming them to the ground.

I didn't even have time to see who I had thrown to the ground, because I got tackled by some other person. The school building filled with yelling and I called out to Ontari, struggling to break free of this new attackers hold, who was on top of me, holding some kind of black cloth over my face so I couldn't see and started to struggle to breathe. Chloroform if I had to guess. I had no idea how someone would be able to get their hands on any here though. There was no response from Ontari so I assumed she was being attacked too.

"Stop fighting." a familiar voice spoke in a calm tone, so I obeyed the instruction, having no other choice as the chloroform on the cloth made me want to pass out.

Before I knew it everything went dark, and I wouldn't gain consciousness again until about an hour and a half.

When I first woke up I wasn't at all aware of my surroundings or what was happening around me. The only thing I was aware of, was the terrible nausea and headache I was experiencing. My entire body was shivering, and I felt like I was only seconds away from throwing up.

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