unsoundly kindness

Start from the beginning

He smugly smirks and gives her a slight nod. "Okay. You need me to drive you?"

She gives him the same smirk. "That would be great."

Austin grins at her, licking his lips as he thought of a flirty response. Only, he's cut off by someone throwing an arm around him and Cassidy. "What up, dorks!"

They turn and see Jace, another one of Austin's friends. He was pretty cool, too. A little on the jerky spectrum, but cool and funny regardless.

Cassidy laughs and turns, another figure catching her eye. Snickering, she says, "Speaking of dorks."

Austin turns and sees Ally happily coming to her locker. He never understood why she was so happy. The girl was always smiling.

She ignores the group staring at her as she goes to unlock her locker, the bright grin still on her face. Jace smirks maliciously as he leans forward to say, "You look nice today, Ally."

She had on a yellow sundress with a jean jacket. Her hair was usually pulled into a ponytail, but today it fell on her shoulders with big curls. Ally actually did look nice.

What surprises them, though, is Ally looking over at them and grinning even wider. Ally usually ignored everyone, despite always being happy.

"Did you say I look nice?" She asks in a slightly slurred tone, repeating him.

Jace irks his eyebrow as he eyes her. "What? You had an extra bowl of sugar puffs, dorkson?"

Ally's bright smile drops a bit, looking at him in confusion. "It's... Dawson."

Cassidy snickers and shakes her head. "What? Did you wake up rediscovered or something? You're so weird."

Her smile completely drops at that, turning into a frown as she turned to grab her things from her locker.

Austin watches with a frown as she silently grab her books before closing her locker and heading to her class, a frown among her face for the first time. He looks at the two people. "That wasn't nice."

Jace looks at him and scoffs before patting his shoulder. "See you at the party, moron."

Cassidy leans up to kiss his cheek, patting his chest as she says, "See you tonight," before dashing off.

He doesn't see Ally again until their last period in English and he's surprised she's skipped 2 other classes. She was always the first one in all their classes.

She always sat in the front of the class by herself, so Austin decides to leave his spot to go sit next to her. For the first time, Ally is alert as he comes to sit by her.

He irks an eyebrow as he pulls his chair out and takes a seat. Austin eyes her for a moment and she eyes him back, neither of them saying a word.

"Uh, I know it's not my business, but have... you been okay today?" Austin cautiously asks, pulling out his notebook from his backpack. After setting it down, he nudges with a slight smile. "I missed you in Psychology."

"I don't really talk much in Psychology."

"Yeah, but no one was giving me their undivided attention like you do," he mentions with a slight chuckle, making her cheeks blush. "I'm sorry for this morning. Jace and Cassidy were being jerks. You really do look nice, though. Anything special going on?"

Ally grins and he can't help but grin as well. He really loved her smile for some reason. It really brightened up the room.

She moves her hair behind her ear as she shows him a earbud in her ear excitedly. "Look!"

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