~ I N T R O D U C T I O N ~

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Heyyy, I am really excited to restart this story, I originally had written a similar one, but I didn't start it the way I had planned. So I decided to rewrite it. It will carry the similar plot, just that I really wasn't feeling the first one. You hopefully will be able to tell the difference. I will try my best to make this the best version it can. If there are any questions that you may have while reading, please ask away. Especially any critiques that you may have also, it will help me improve it so that it's interesting. Also, since I would personally want to know how tall Levi will be, he is going to be 6'2. Yes I know, tall as heck. Maybe I went overboard? But trust me it will make many parts way better. And as for you the reader, you will be 5'3. I will put a guide down here for any people that may be confused and also for some more information about the story itself. With that being said, Thank You for taking your time to read this, probably really bad, story. <3



Y/n: your name
L/n: last name
H/c: hair color
H/l: hair length
E/c: eye color
S/c: skin color
C/c: color choice



Everyone that is a student will be the same age, as they are in the same grade. Mainly to keep everything more simple to understand and not get everything confused. Unless I put that someone is of a certain age. I was also going to put character name's like in the last story, but decided against it. Because I don't know if there will be any new characters added later on. I'll try and put images so that you can try and imagine it more vividly.. There will also be different POV's during this story, to know more information about what is happening and seeing what the person is thinking. Whether that be 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person POV.


Thank You, and Enjoy <3


ALL MINE | LEVI ACKERMAN X READER | MODERN AUWhere stories live. Discover now