That whole demanding and firm thing, that won't work with him. He will think I'm demeaning his differentiation and disrespecting him. If I speak kindly and don't try any of that stuff I would do with Ezra, he'll most likely calm down.

"I like you...very much. I want to be with you and possibly mate with you. I know that's far fetched considering how long I've known you, but I really do like you. I am serious about this, I really am. I don't want you to get away when you're this close. You're all I could want." I say confidently, and I see him just look at me. "I am not saying try and scare you, it's just how I genuinely feel."

"I know that." He says calmly.

" do?" I become a little nervous when he doesn't really react to what I'm saying. "I'm not sure you do-."

"I do. I get that you're desperate and want to be with someone so bad that you're choosing me so abruptly."

"What?" I frown, seeing Tyler just stay calm still...too calm for this. "This isn't abrupt. I've thought about this for too long. I'm not one to rush into things-."

"This is rushed. How long did Theo know Ezra?"

"For a year I guess...but if even that."

"And I've known you for three months, and you're telling me you want to mate with me?" He starts to speak fast and I sigh. I don't remember saying that, but if I did I regret it.

I don't find that to be a problem...that's even better than what I believe I really said. Except he's genuinely least it seems that way.

"No, I don't. If I said that then that was too much. I just wanted to be with you, but if you don't want to then you don't have to. I was just telling you my feelings." I lean my head on the ground now, staring up at the sky.

I really regret saying anything.

I forget that Tyler is weird about that kind of stuff for some odd reason. I don't understand why because I don't think it's something worth being upset about, but... I can't be mad at him.

I've done enough bad things, to Ezra mainly. I understand if karma is coming for me and not allowing me to find others or to be happy.

Widely understood on my end, but that doesn't mean I want to accept it.

"So..." I hear Tyler start, and I look over at him. "A relationship with Xavion Volek, the used-to-be Head Alpha, huh?"

My eyes widen, seeing him begin to smile. His beautiful smile radiating to me and I felt my heart beat a little faster.

"Yes...please." I could hear the slight...pleading within my voice. There should've been embarrassment on my end, but I felt none. "I don't know if it bothers you that I no longer have that status, but-."

"No. I probably wouldn' speaking to you if you were. That's too much attention and I know I couldn't handle it. I'd be mean and...not the kindest person to people. I'd ruin your reputation with you just being by my side." Tyler snorts, and I go towards him.

I cradle his face and his smile cracks in surprise to my movements. My thumb caresses his cheek and it edges towards his lips.

"What reputation? It's already been soured, I already destroyed it."

"Maybe you did a couple of months ago, but you fixed your name. Now that people know your intentions for doing all that you did...who can be mad at that?" Tyler questions me as he leans back from me.

His head laying on the ground and he shaded his eyes from the sun. Leaning in front of the sun, I made sure it didn't get in front of him.

He raised his eyebrow, smiling at me actions.

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