The Armed Nation of Dwargon.

Start from the beginning

Rimuru eats the blade then spits out 20 blades

Kaijin- "What the hell! Thank you slime I can't thank you enough!"

Rimuru- "Yeah no problem now with that out of the way are you able too make me some weapons?"

Kaijin- "Hmm can I join you back at your place?"

Rimuru- "Sure but we also need a builder and someone who can make cloths and armor."

Kaijin- "I can do that for you my group can."

Kyru- "I have a weapon that I would like too have made but we can make it when we get back too tempest."

Kaijin- "Well let me treat you guys follow me."

Kaijin takes Rimuru and Kyru too the club.

Kaijin- "Well have fun I'll also be here as well."

Rimuru- "Elves!"

Kyru- "Huh?"

Kyru was never into this kind of stuff. He just mainly read manga and played volleyball most of the time and played games.

Rimuru- "You gonna join in Kyru?"

Kyru- "No I'm fine I'll keep watch."

Kyru walks out of the place and sees someone walking towards him.

Vesta- "Hello my name is vesta part of the elite guard is someone named kaijin in here?"

Kyru- "Yeah why?"

Vesta- "Oh ok thanks."

Kyru- "I feel like I shouldn't have said anything."

Then you hear arguing going on and see vesta get punched out of the door way into the club.

Kyru- "What the heck."

You walk in and see kaijin protecting Rimuru.

Vesta- "You'll pay for that and you too!"

Kaijin- "He insulted Rimuru so I wanted too deal with him my self. Even though he's one of the higher ups I'll deal with it my self."

Kyru- "Well the elite guard is here too arrest us all."

You all get arrested and thrown back into the cells.

Kyru- "Back too square one."

Vesta- "This is what you all get now prepare too die tomorrow by the hands of the Dwargon king."

Then vesta walks out.

The next day.

You're all walking into the court room.

Dwargon king Gazel- "Kaijin Rimuru and Kyru right? You are all on trial for assaulting one of my highest ranking people. May the court session begin."

Attorney- "The defenders assaulted Vesta because they wanted too jump him and as so he was hurt badly but when the elite guard showed up they tried too run my liege."

Rimuru- "Hey he's supposed to defend us not go against us!"

Kaijin- "He's been sold..."

Kyru- "King Gazel. May I speak?"

King Gazel- "Go ahead I grant you permission."

Kyru- "The real story is that when we were all there I walked out too see vesta and he greeted me and asked were kaijin was and asked him about the blades that he needed too he made and vesta also insulted Rimuru which made kaijin fight back that's the story these false lies must stop."

King Gazel- "Hmm. Then I shall give my verdict but first. Kaijin will you become my elite guard captain once more?"

Kaijin- "No my king I wish too stay by the side of Rimuru."

King Gazel- "Very well then I hereby banish Kyru Rimuru and Kaijin Garm Dord Myrd from Dwargon!"

Vesta- "But sire!"

King Gazel- "Who gave you permission to speak now stay here. Court has ended!"

Everyone leaves expect vesta.

King Gazel- "Vesta have you realized what you've done?"

Vesta- "But sir they assaulted me!"

King Gazel- "Vesta you must be patient with yourself look what you've done. You've lost the supply of what just saved our troops in the mines. Now I hereby take your ranking and fire you."

Kaidou- "So your really leaving brother. Well stay strong and safe!"

Rimuru- "Oh thanks for showing us too kaijin."

Kaidou- "No thank you for saving my men. Now leave before anything else happens."

Rimuru- "Well guess that concludes our trip."

Kyru- "Oh we forgot about gobta."

Rimuru- "No he's here but still tied up."

Kyru- "Oh Ok."

Rimuru- "Well let's head back too tempest!"

Kyru- "Yeah!"

With that Rimuru finds new allies and has gained more friends and family and people who can help at tempest.

End of chapter.

Didn't want too write a ending note sorry it late good night.

That time I got reincarnated as a demon. (Sds x slime cross over)Where stories live. Discover now