Chapter 2 *Edited*

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Courtney's POV

"I know who you guys are." I said smiling.

Preston and Robert smiled back while holding hands. They had come out that they were dating about 6 months ago.

"So I'm guessing you like Minecraft and Call of Duty too!?" Preston asked.

"Totally! They're awesome to play!" I explained and watched as Preston and Rob high fived.

"So tell us a little about yourself." Rob said.

"Well my name is Courtney and I am 12 years old. I like playing basketball, video games, reading, 80's movies and I like to write too." I say, still excited I'm actually meeting them.

Preston jumped up. "WERE TAKING HER!" He said happily.

Rob laughed and nodded then asked, "What's your favorite 80's movie?"

I thought for a moment then said, "Either St Elmo's Fire, The Breakfast Club or The Outsiders. It's hard to choose."

Just then Miss Chin came downstairs.

"Did you see anyone you want to plan on adopting?" She asked.

Preston tugged on Robs arm and whispered something. Then Rob nodded and said, "We'd like to adopt Courtney, if it's okay with her of course."

I gasped and smiled widely then ran up and hugged them. They hugged back.

"Thank you, for everything." I say to them.

"Your welcome Courtney. Welcome to our crazy family." Preston said.

I was told to get packed and ran up the stairs, getting greeted by everyone, including Jack who came into the hallway.

"So?" They all asked me curiously, hope spread across their faces.

I just smiled widely, and a tear of joy came running down my face.

"I'm getting adopted. They're adopting me!" I said.

Everyone ran and hug me, wishing congratulations. The girls went with me to our room to help me pack. It took about ten minutes, and when I was done everyone hugged me again, wishing me goodbyes. Millie was last. We looked at eachother and then ran to give each other hugs.

"You've got to call me every week and don't forget to tell me everything! I'm gonna miss you a lot Courtney. Your my best friend." She said.

"Your my best friend too Millie. I'm gonna miss you a lot." I responded, and slowly we let go of our hug. I the took my suitcase and backpack and then began to walk down the stairs. Rob walked over and took my bags, while Preston took my hand and basically sprinted to the car.

"I can't wait for you to meet the rest of the pack. We're staying at a hotel for Pax East. It ended yesterday and everyone's leaving in two days." Preston explained. We got in the taxi, with Preston in the front and Rob in the back with me, and I waved goodbye to everyone who stood outside.

Slowly they started to get farther and farther away, until we took a turn and I could no longer see them.

"Goodbye." I whispered quietly, my hand pressed against the glass window of the car.

Sure, I was sad about leaving me friends, but this could be one of the best things to ever happen to me. I was ecstatic right now, and I didn't want to ruin that. Rob and Preston talked to me the whole ride to the hotel about factions. They wanted to know who's team I was on.

I grinned. "My lips are sealed."

"You little cactus. But that means me...right?" Preston said causing Rob to playfully slap him on the shoulder.

Preston was basically leaning over into the backseat so he could talk to us. We arrived at a hotel that I had seen before. It was near where I think Pax was being held. I opened the trunk and took my backpack, while Preston took my suitcase.

"We are all at the very top floor sharing one huge penthouse. You'll have your own room until we go to the airport in 2 days. Merome also lives with us in Toronto if you didn't know." Rob said.

When we reached our room, Rob opened the door with a key and immediately Preston ran in with the suitcase screaming, "IM HOME YOU STUPID PLEBS! AND WE HAVE A PERSON YOU NEED TO MEET!"

"The boys all know we were planning on adopting someone here, so it's not like they're going to be freaked out. They're just as excited as we were." Rob said to me as I heard footsteps and laughter coming closer.

Vikk and Lachlan came out of the kitchen area and smiled at me. "Welcome welcome to our hotel room filled with many obnoxious boys!" Vikk said smiling.

Just then Mitch came running out of the room with Jerome chasing after him. Jerome tackled Mitch onto the floor right in front of us.

"Well hello there. I'm Mitch. What's your name?" Mitch said after getting out from under Jerome.

"My names Courtney" I said.

~~~~~Time skip to them leaving~~~~~

I had spent the last two days with the pack and they had given me a phone. It was an iPhone 6 and I couldn't get over how awesome this whole entire experience already was.

Everyone said goodbye to Vikk and Lachlan as they got on separate planes. Both of them were planning on moving in to "my new house" in a couple weeks. (In this were pretending Vik doesn't live with the sidemen, just to clear things up.)

The rest of us all got on the same plane and we soon started boarding. I sat in the window seat, Preston sat in the middle and Rob sat near the isle. Preston and I were trying to annoy Rob.

Preston proceeded to poke him in the arm repeatedly while I kept saying, "Robert."

Mitch and Jerome sat in the seats next to us, watching Rob try to ignore us. They had the isle seat free.

Rob got annoyed soon enough and to stop Preston from poking him, he kissed Preston on the lips.

"GET SOME!" Mitch yelled causing everyone to look at them. I started laughing.

The plane started moving about ten minutes later and I turned to Preston and Rob. Preston was editing a vlog and Rob was watching him. They both had told me before that the fans loved me, and that made me smile.

"Do you guys go on planes a lot?" I asked Rob.

He shrugs and says, "It really depends on the time of year. In the winter we are traveling a lot to see our families and then we have the ski trip too. It sometimes gets pretty hectic."

I watched Preston edit his vlog for a little but then leaned my head against the window and slowly closed my eyes, a smile crawling on my face.

"Sleep tight Courtney." Preston said.

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