"Again, don't make a remark about how soft I've gotten." Mariano said quietly as he looked adoringly at Vicenzo. I shrugged my shoulders and headed upstairs. He was soft, the little bitch. He was always soft.

I entered the bedroom and saw Ace asleep in the bed. He was worn out not that he said it. I was glad we took some time out from our mafias. I decided to take a shower to relieve my aching muscles and got changed into some comfortable clothes, consisting of joggers and a T-shirt. How I can't fucking wait to wear jeans again.

I looked into the mirror of my makeup table and yawned. I couldn't be bothered with makeup, I never went out. Instead I put on some face cream. "Alessia." Ace called out in his rugged voice. He began to stir and rubbed his face. I hummed in response. He sat upright, the sheets dropped down to his waist, exposing his chest. I doubt he was even wearing underwear.

"Where's Vicenzo?" He asked as he tossed his legs off the side of the bed, away from me. I looked at his inked back and smiled gently. "He's with Mariano." I replied. He stretched out his arms and walked over to the bathroom. Indeed, he was stark naked.

"Wait Ace!" I said with wide eyes. "What?" He spun around quickly. I let my gaze linger on his toned body. I could look even if I couldn't fuck him yet. "Alessia?" He smirked as he placed his hands onto the v line of his hips. "Nothing." I shrugged as my gaze remained fixated on him. He chuckled and turned around. That did nothing for me. His ass was still very much perfect.

I headed downstairs and was given some hot food to eat. I greedily ate it all, drinking a glass of orange juice with it. I didn't miss the alcohol or smoking. I sometimes had cravings but all it took was one look at Vicenzo to remind myself of who I was doing it for. As I finished the last of my drink, I heard a knock on the door and I immediately put down the glass and headed to open it.

"Kaden." I beamed as I saw him for the first time since giving birth. He still looked young, fresh faced with a wide grin etched on his face. "Tony." I smiled as they both greeted me. Kaden went in for a full hug which I reciprocated, just this once.

"Thank you for the flowers." I smiled at Tony who handed me a bunch of beautiful red roses. He was always so lovely to me. He seemed more relaxed now that his wife was dead. I could give no shits about that bitch. I didn't tell anyone about how glad I was about that, but they knew.

"Come on, where is he? I want to meet my nephew." Kaden said as he looked around in excitement. He's like a fucking hyperactive little dog. I smiled at how excited he was. "This way, he's asleep. So shut the fuck up." I chuckled as I led both of them into the living room. Their eyes landed on Mariano and then at the bundle in his arms.

I watched Kaden gulp as he refrained from talking for once in his life. Tony looked proud, his posture dropped to be more relaxed. He would be my child's only grandparent and I was grateful for that.

They both walked over to see him. Mariano untucked Vicenzo slightly so they could see his face. Their gazes lingered on him, admiring him. "He's tiny." Kaden whispered. "Babies tend to be small idiot." Mariano chuckled quietly at him. They're both so fucking stupid. "Congratulations again Alessia. I hope you don't mind me saying, but it looks like he takes after Ace." Tony spoke softly while turning to look me. 

I nodded my head. Fuck. Now do I need to have another one, perhaps I'd try for a girl. No the pain was too much to bear. Maybe Vicenzo needs a sister or a brother. Oh fuck.

I heard Ace walk into the room and he greeted his father and Kaden. He was also very casual recently in just T-shirts and joggers. He didn't want his shirt buttons to harm Vicenzo and that gave me the strongest feeling of love I ever had towards him. Mariano handed Vicenzo to Kaden who was giddy as ever. And then he handed him to Tony. He looked down at him as if he remembered holding his own sons.

Vicenzo began to fuss in Tony's arms and Ace picked him up and he immediately settled once more. Fucking bitch, how does he do it?

We all sat down and talked business which was going well. No one fucked up, not yet at least. Ace went and placed Vicenzo in his crib to sleep and came back. "You fucking ass Kaden. If someone threatens you, you cut off their fucking dick. You do not need to ask me for permission." Ace chuckled at his brother.

Kaden blinked heavily and rubbed his hands together. "And I haven't forgotten Kaden. You called me a fucking whale. I could take your ass." I chuckled at him, rubbing my thigh. "Why are you both on my ass for?" He furrowed his brows and held in his laugh.

"Because Mariano doesn't have one." I smirked. Mariano turned to give me a death stare which made it even funnier. "I want to tell you that I like his name. Vicenzo Ferrari Hernandez. It's much better than Loki or Anakin." Tony smirked as he teased Ace. "Thank you. We're not in Star Wars or the marvel universe are we?" I chuckled also teasing Ace.

He seemed to pretend to not hear and ran a hand through his damp hair. We talked for what seemed like hours but eventually Kaden and Tony left to head home to America. Before leaving Tony insisted on giving Vicenzo a gift. It was a family heirloom apparently. A gun with Hernandez etched onto the handle. I must say it was rather nice. Mariano also left to head back home for some business. Business my ass, he was going to club to pick up some girls.

I sighed and tilted my head back on the sofa, enjoying some peace and quiet. Ace came back inside after escorting Mariano to his motorbike. He looked down at me and placed his hands on either side of my head on the sofa. I hummed and raised a brow at him. His lips twitched and he leaned down and kissed me.

When night fell, we tucked in Vicenzo and also went to sleep. I heard Ace get up at some point in the night and he went into Vicenzo's room. He shortly returned with him in his arms and climbed back into bed. I heard Vicenzo suckle as Ace fed him some of my expressed milk from a bottle.

I turned around to face Ace and just watched him feed Vicenzo in the dark, with only the faint light of the moon shining through the curtains. I smiled. Who would have thought it, this man, cold and unforgiving, was feeding his baby with such love and care. "Do you want him?" He asked me quietly after a while, noticing I was awake. I hummed and rubbed his arm. I pushed myself up and sat up against the headboard, leaning against him.

He handed me Vicenzo and I looked down at him. My heart now was full with Ace and Vicenzo. My boys.

The next day was beautiful and quiet. That was until Vicenzo began to cry. He was quiet most of the time but when he cried, fuck he was loud. I was busy with work in my office and stopped when I saw Ace enter with a crying Vicenzo in his arms. The boy could definitely scream the house down. Ace looked slightly alarmed and tried to rock Vicenzo.

"Give him to me." I grinned and held out my arms, dropping the pen in my hand. I shushed Vicenzo and looked at the clock. It was feeding time. "Why don't you take the day off?" Ace asked me as he leaned on the desk watching me. I held Vicenzo's head gently as he breastfed.

"There's a lot of work I need to do." I sighed, slowly rubbing Vicenzo's back. "And I told you I would do it." He crossed his arms. "Fine. Do it." I smiled and looked at the various folders I had laid across the top of the desk. It was all in such a state. I know Ace would spend the first hour trying to organise it all.

"Wait what the fuck is this." I chuckled as I looked down at Vicenzo's baby grow. It had the words 'Mafia Prince' written on it. "Do you like it?" Ace asked. I hummed and wiped Vicenzo's mouth with a tissue. He began fussing, wanting more milk and to be cuddled.

"So that makes you a king and me a queen?" I tilted my head at Ace. He nodded as he looked down at the paperwork. "See that's where you are wrong cretin. The moment our son was born he was already a king." I smiled.

He looked up at me and smiled. His eyes were so soft and gentle. I watched as he thought it over. "Then you shall have two kings, my queen." He smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead.

Fucking hell. I love him.

Cheeeesy but I love it

This is not the end. Not yet.
Ah goshhh I know this scares you but you can always reread my story over and over so it'll always be here ❤️

I don't know I pronounce it like Vy-Ken-zo it's my British ass that's why

Also thank you for reading! I love you all. ❤️
Omfg I'm so excited

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