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THE COLD AIR hit my body as i woke up from a long nap

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THE COLD AIR hit my body as i woke up from a long nap.

'10:35 am'

rolling off the bed, i looked into the computer screen to see her sleeping with alessio right next to her. at times she liked to sleep with him. the thought of him getting hurt feared her. pillows surrounded his small body and on the floor of their bedroom.


i was happy that she was taking care of our son. i got a bad feeling that she was going to abort him which was something i didn't want. having a baby was all i ever wanted and i got it. i just wished that i could wake up with both of them instead of waking up in this crappy house.

i let the cold air hit my bare skin as i walked into the bathroom. i brushed my teeth also changing into a black hoodie and sweats. i got everything i needed and walked into the cold night.

the stars were in the night shinning bright, almost like they were my light. the moon followed me as i took steps closer to yn's apartment. the whole way there i kept on the low and excitement filled my body.

i couldn't wait to lay in bed with her feeling her warm body on mine. i loved watching her sleep, just seeing the way she inhaled in and out brought me a sense of safety and reassurance. i was her protector and staying up all night for her was something that kept me sane.

she was always warm and covered her whole body with the blanket. keeping her whole body in the blanket made her feel safe from whatever was outside of it. her stuffed animals either laid on the floor or on the end of her bed never coming near her when she slept. she had so many of them even at the age of 20.

her nice and fresh aroma always filled my nose bringing some joy into it. it wasn't a perfume scent, it was just a her scent. it was indescribable but whenever you got a sniff, you would go crazy.

a few minutes away from her house got me more nervous than excited. i was afraid that she would see me blush or something but she always saw it. walking into the building i got passed the lobby man and went onto her floor.

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i heard light knocks on my door which i ignored thinking to was all in my head. they became louder then stopped. i made a face feeling to comfortable in my own bed to even get up. a big bang was heard on my door causing alessio to burst out crying.

"no no don't cry" i said picking him up.

i heard the knocking continue making me a little mad, since it woke up alessio. ignoring the fact that i was scared of the dark, i made it to the door opening it.

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