Harry could hear the radio crackle to life and Tiny Dancer by Elton John became clear.

The boy who lived came back inside of the tent and noticed Hermione crying and his girlfriend was a solemn look on her face. Riley held a polaroid in her hands.

He knew how much Riley missed Hazel and her family and how much Hermione missed Ron. He wanted to cheer them up.

"It's a Muggle station," Hermione's voice cracked as she looked up at Harry. She offered him a small smile which Harry returned.

Harry saw Riley tapping her foot to the beat of the music and extended his hand out for her to take. He extended his other hand for Hermione to take.

The two girls stood up.

Harry gently took the golden locket off of Riley's neck and tossed it on the floor.

The three began to sway to the music as they let themselves go.

Riley put her hands around Harry's neck and let him put his hands on her hips. He then twirled her in a circle making her grin. Her sorrows were forgotten for a moment.

Hermione shuffled awkwardly as she watched the couple.

Riley grabbed her friend's hands and started singing loudly.

"HOLD ME CLOSER TINY DANCER!" Riley screamed to the lyrics as Hermione giggled as she looked down at the blonde.

Their moving shadows flickered on the tent. They looked like puppets.


Harry grabbed both of the girls and brought them into a group hug slightly swaying to the music.

Suddenly, the signal of the radio slipped away and once the static returned the music was gone.

Harry, Hermione, and Riley's smiles faded.

Hermione averted her eyes from the both of them and slowly slipped out of the tent.

Riley retired to her bunk and laid down staring at her polaroid again.

The picture showed Riley's first day of high school. She, Hazel, and Amira were jumping in the air with large smiles plastered on their faces. It was free dress day that day and Riley wore blue jeans and a red Fleetwood Mac shirt. Hazel had shorts and a sweatshirt on while Amira wore a jacket and black jeans. Her hijab was black.

Riley traced Amira's face. She missed her so much. And she missed Noah.

Tears slipped down her face as Harry joined Riley in her bunk and wrapped his arms around her.

"I miss them," Riley sniffled.

"I know, darling, I know," he cooed as he kissed her forehead.

"And I miss my mama and my dad," Riley cuddled closer to him.

"It's gonna be okay, angel," the boy who lived rubbed her back gently.


Harry sat on Riley's bed with his arm wrapped around his girlfriend who slept on his chest.

In his hands, he held the golden snitch studying it.

An idea struck him as he suddenly brought the snitch to his lips and then spit it out into his palm.

The snitch's golden wings stopped fluttering and words appeared on its golden surface. It read 'I open at the close.'

Harry gingerly moved Riley off of his chest and placed her on a pillow and then he kissed her lips softly and then slipped outside of the tent.

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