"Would you Rose? I highly doubt you would risk telling anything to anyone. Besides no one would ever believe you, don't you think? You see Rose I have connections everywhere and you know it. Do you recall how easily I found out where your family lives in Boston?" the realization that he could find me anywhere I might go made my skin crawl. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction to know I was weak though.

"Are you threatening me Marco? Is this how you want to play?" I tried to sound bold but I knew he wasn't buying it. Well, I guess it was worth at least pretending.

"You think this is a game Rose? I told you my biggest secret and you expect me to stand by watching you destroy everything I worked for because you decided you want to be a law abiding citizen? I trust you Rose and no matter how difficult it is to see that, I would never hurt you. I was ready to tell you everything today. That's why I took you to the bridge. I knew it would be the last time we would see each other and I really meant to give you a happy memory of us. A glimpse of how our life together could have been."

Fear aside, I felt sorry for him. He didn't seem scary anymore. He seemed broken and hurt. Not a minute ago, he had threatened me though and I couldn't just see past that. What was there left to say?

"I won't say anything. Despite what happened, I would never betray you. Is Jay here too? I think I heard his voice when I was passed out but I don't know if I was dreaming or not." Marco opened the door and Jay slowly started walking towards me.

"Rosie, how are you feeling? I was so scared for you." He tried to come closer but holding my good hand up, he stopped in his tracks.

"Have a seat. Both of you. It's my turn to talk." Obliging, they took their seats next to each other. Taking a deep breath, I focused my gaze mostly on Jay, as I thought it would be easier. Marco's eyes were always distracting and I didn't need that right now.

"I need to tell you how feel, before the drugs wear off, because I highly doubt I'll be the same person then. I've been nothing but honest with both of you. I trusted you enough to share my biggest secrets. You've seen me in my worst and I felt like you were okay with it, that I wasn't being judged when I was around you. You allowed me to be myself and you made me feel special." A sad smile made its appearance and I wondered how come I couldn't cry. It was so easy for me to cry. I did it all the time. From watching a sad movie, to finding out the neighbor's cat died. This was so unlike me. I blamed the drugs they had given me and went on talking.

"You know what hurts the most? More than the bullet wound itself? The fact that neither of you trusted me enough to tell me the truth. Jay, you were my only friend. I thought of you as a brother. I never gave you any reason to doubt me. The fact that you thought that I wasn't trustworthy or that I would judge you for living a different lifestyle is what hurts the most."

Jay was on the verge of tears and that was the first time I saw him like that. But I needed to stay strong and focused. He should have been honest with me no matter what. Friends don't keep secrets no matter how horrible they are. Turning to Marco, I saw him looking at me with expectant eyes. I wondered what he was actually waiting for me to say.

"And you Marco, you think so low of me as to not come clean from the start? You thought it was a good idea to pretend to be someone else, to make me fall in love with you and then....." I realized I had just said something I hadn't even admitted to myself. Covering my mouth with the hand from my wounded side made me cry out in pain. Tears started running down my cheeks and I saw them both rise to their feet and stand on each side of the bed.

"I'll get the nurse. Why did you move your hand Rose? It was too early, maybe your wound will start bleeding again. Lie down and I'll get help. I'll be right back." Jay reassured me but I wasn't able to speak. The pain was so sharp that I almost regretted my decision not to accept medication. I could sense Marco beside me but as I avoided eye contact at all costs, I waited for him to speak.

A fairytale without  name (Rose and Marco)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum