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It's been a month since Isabella found out that she was pregnant and since then she has went to the doctor to do an ultrasound for the baby.

Turns out Isabella is three months along and she now has a small baby bump which Isla loved gushing over.

She still hasn't told her parents who were both still in Hawaii worrying about Dakota who hasn't woken up from her coma.

Alex has been there for Isabella and even started working more shifts at his job when he wasn't in school.

Sianna and Riven both don't know about the baby which was a big request from Isabella to not let that happen.

Ray ended up finding out about a week after Isabella found out just because she saw Isabella staring at her belly through a mirror and rubbing it.

"I don't feel good" Isabella said as she walked into the kitchen. Isla handed her a bowl of fruit and some weird pregnancy concoction the doctor had her on.

"It's just the morning sickness which will pass soon." Isla mumbled and Isabella nodded her head.

"Good morning my favorite pregnant and gay for me twin sisters" Ray smiled as she walked into the kitchen with just a pair of basketball shorts and a sports bra on.

"Not the pregnant" Isla snorted. "Not the gay for me" Isabella laughed and both of the sisters looked at each other before laughing harder.

"Hey y'all" Sianna said as she walked into the kitchen with Riven behind her.

"Do y'all just live here now?" Isla rolled her eyes as she looked all the intruders of her home.

Alexander walked into the kitchen and lifted Isabella into his lap as he sat down on one of the bar stools.

"Yup" Sianna said before sitting on the counter as she stole some of Isla's fruit to which she received a glare for.

"Fucking fantastic" Isla sarcastically mumbled before giving Isabella the rest of her fruit and got up.

Ray was looking in the fridge for some juice before
she found the Motts Apple Juice which was her favorite.

"Shouldn't y'all be getting ready for y'all little date" Isabella said with a mouth full of food as she looked at Sianna and Riven.

"Oh yeah" Sia said before hurrying out the kitchen.

"See y'all" Riven said as he left after Sianna who was yelling for him to come on.

"When is you guys next doctor's appointment" Isla asked and Isabella shrugged looking at Alex who mumbled in two weeks.

"Doctor said we can find out the gender when we come in too" Isabella smiled making Isla laugh.

"Team Boy" Ray said as she dapped up Alex who nodded his head.

"Nope nope team girl all the way" Isla said and all eyes turned to Isabella who was sucking on a blueberry before she chewed it.

"Oh I'm team healthy baby" She shrugged her shoulders before leaving the kitchen with her fruit. Isla shrugged and turned to Ray who was already looking at her.

"So I was thinking about asking my mom to get me on a plane ride to Hawaii because I want to see my Aunt. She's still in her coma but I want to be there." She said and Ray nodded her head.

"That would be good. Is your sister going to try and go too?" Ray asked to which Isla shook her head.

"She is too scared to face our parents about the baby plus she doesn't like hospitals like that." Isla mumbled and left out the kitchen with Ray behind her.

"Understandable" Ray mumbled and they walked upstairs to Isla's room where Isla laid down in a long huff. "I am exhausted" Isla said and Ray smiled laying down next to her.

"You been working with school all day then you had work yesterday so it's understandable" Ray said looking at Isla who smiled at her.

"I love this nanny job. I never knew taking care of trollers would be so fun besides the crying tantrums." Isla laughed and shook her head. Ray nodded her head and closed her eyes.

"Nap time?" Isla asked and Ray laughed nodding her head. "Nap time" she responded making Isla smile and close her eyes.

She cuddled into Ray's side before they both ended up falling fast asleep.

"Isla!" Someone yelled making Isla shoot up from her bed and her sleep. She looked around to see Ray was still sleep next to her. Someone called her name again and she hurried out the bed and out her room.

"Yes?" She said as she walked downstairs to see her sister standing by the door.

"Come on we have to go" Isabella said making Isla frown.

"Where are we going?" She asked but Isabella didn't answer her as she grabbed her hand and pulled her outside.

Isla was handed her shoes and she groaned putting them on before following her sister to the car.

"Okay so you know how Ray's birthday is coming up right" Isabella mumbled and Isla nodded her head with a yawn.

"Okay how about a party at the house for her?" Isabella suggest and Isla frowned up her face as she shook her head.

"Ray doesn't really like parties but she does doing chill shit so maybe we can do a barbecue because she loves barbecue food. Her birthday is near Halloween though so maybe we can do some barbecue food and then go to a fright fest or something scary because she does like scary things." Isla said and Isabella looked at her before nodding her head.

"That works" she said and they got into the car. Isabella started the car and Isla yawned once more.

"Okay let's go"

"You still didn't tell me where we are going" Isla said looking at her sister.

"To hell if you don't pray" Isabella said making Isla glare at her.

"Then we all are going because we sure don't pray like that" she mumbled making Isabella smile.


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