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"Izzie! Isla!" Sianna screamed as she ran over to the twins tackling them both to the ground. Isla groaned loudly and glared at her cousin.

"Really?" Isla said and Sia flashed her a pearly white teeth before helping them both up. Sia's smile grew as she threw her arms around Isabella hugging her tight.

"Uh no" Isla spoke as she stopped Sia from hugging her. "I missed you annoying bug" She added as she wrapped her arms around Sia's shoulders.

"Of course you have! I'm the best!" She said making Isla roll her eyes with a smile.

"You guys have to tell me everything" Their cousin said and Isabella smiled.

"Well Isla met a little special someone on the plane to Hawaii" Isabella said as she casted a glance at Isla who rolled her eyes and blushed.

"Oh yes I saw your Instagram girl she is fine" Sia said and Isla smiled.

"That she is" Isla mumbled to herself before her phone rang.

"Speak of the devil" she said before answering the FaceTime call from Ray.

"Hey baby" Ray smiled as her face appeared on the phone screen.

"Hey what you doing?" She asked her as Sia tried to peek at Ray over her shoulder making Isla laugh and push her away.

"I just got me some food and heading back to my brother's crib to pack the rest of my clothes" She said as she looked away from the screen.

"Who's that?" Ray asked as she looked back down at the screen. Her eyebrows frowned as Sia's face became to take over Isla's camera.

"Hi! I'm Sianna" She said excitedly and Ray smiled at her politely introducing herself.

"You are so fine" Sia said randomly making Ray's eyes widened.

"Okay gay panic move along" Isla said grabbing her phone back.

"I am not gay" Sia argued and Isla rolled her eyes.

"Girl you are at least questioning yourself" Isabella said and Sia pouted her lips crossing her arms over her chest.

"Baby" Ray said to Isla causing her attention to focus back on Ray. She smiled at Ray and moved her hair out of her face.

"I can't wait to see you"

"I'm thinking about dyeing my hair" Ray said as she looked down at the phone.

"What color?"

"Uh I don't know yet" Ray replied before someone sounded like they called her making her groan.

"Baby I have to go" She said to Isla making Isla pout.

"Okay" Isla said before Ray quickly hung up after yelling at someone.

"Have y'all said I love you yet" Sia asked suddenly making Isla look at her. Isla shook her head and ruffled her hair before putting it in a messy bun.

"Well do you love her?" She asked and Isla looked at her lap as a smile came to her face.

"I do but I don't want to say it and she not be ready or not feel the same way" Isla sighed and Isabella rolled her eyes.

"Shut up because you know damn well that girl feels the same way" Isabella said as she looked at her sister. She opened her mouth to say more but her phone started ringing.

"Hey" Isabella spoke as she answered the phone.

"Come outside" Someone said and Isabella frowned before sighing. She quickly hanged up and looked at her sister who was talking to Sia about Sia's summer.

"Uh I'll see you later guys. I have to go" Isabella said before hurried away. Isla yelled a small bye and frowned before shaking her head and going back to her talk with Sianna.

Isabella walked out of the mall that they were in and looked around with a small confused frown on her face. She heard someone calling her name making her turn her head to see who she was looking for.

"Alex" She smiled and ran to him before jumping into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he laughed holding her.

"Hey" He said as he smiled burying his face in her neck. He spun her around making Isabella let out a big giggle and squeal.

"I missed you" She said once he put her down. Alexander smiled and grabbed her face in his hands. Isabella smiled as he leaned down capturing her lips with his.

Isabella moaned against his lips and closed her eyes as she kissed him back. Alex pulled her closer and Isabella wrapped her arms around his neck, tilting her head.

"I missed you more baby" he whispered against her lips. Isabella smiled once more and pecked his lips again.

"Let's go" he said and pulled away from her. Isabella took his hand and he led her to his car. He opened the door and Isabella got in after mumbling a small thank you.

"So tell me all about Hawaii" Alexander said as he got into the car and held Isabella's hand with his free hand as he started the car.

"It was amazing oh my god I wish you were there." Isabella said happily as she looked out the window. Alex looked at her as he smiled and drove out of the parking lot.

"Well I have a question to ask you" He said as he lowered their windows down.

"What's up" Isabella said as she looked over at him. She moved her hair out of her face and frowned.

"I want to take you out on a real date" Isabella's eyes widened and she bit her lip as she tried to think.

"Really?" She asked and Alex laughed as he nodded his head.

"Yeah I mean when you were in Hawaii we always did little movie FaceTime dates but I want to take you out on a real date" He said and Bella smiled as she played with his fingers.

"I'll really like that" She said as he stopped at a red light. Alexander smiled and leaned over pecking Isabella's lips softly. "Good" he mumbled and Bella smiled again before blushing.

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