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"My feet hurt" Isabella complained as she sat on Isla's lap.

"That's what you get for going to a party wearing knee high heels" Her sister said rolling her eyes as she leaned back in her seat.

"Oh shut up" Bella said sipping on her drink as she played with her hair. They been at this party for about two hours now and Isla was ready to go but Bella wanted to stay.

"Hey look here comes Ryan" Bella said and Isla looked up to see Ryan walking over to them with a slight smirk on his face. Bella shifted off of Isla's lap and sipped of her drink as she looked away.

"Hey babygirl" Ryan said and Isla rolled her eyes.

"Ryan you lost that privilege to call me that shit when you broke up with me over text" Isla replied moving her hair out of her face.

"Come on baby I was drunk" Ryan said and Isla raised her eyebrow and rolled her eyes leaning back in her seat.

"I don't care we been over for three months now and we will still be over a year from now" She answered and Ryan sat down next to her causing Bella to roll her eyes.

"Come on baby girl we don't have to end things. We were great together" He pleaded and Isla just looked at him.

"Boy bye" Bella said before grabbing Isla's hand and pulled her away from him walking away. Isla followed her sister into the kitchen to the drink table.

"I don't know why you dated him" Bella said pouring her a cup of cherry vodka. Isla shrugged and poured her drink in the red solo cup.

"Bella let's go it's almost eleven thirty" Isla said chugging down her drink. Bella nodded and sighed.

"Sure this party is boring anyway" Bella said before walking out of the kitchen looking around for Sianna.

"It's only boring because we ain't doing shit" Isla said laughing and Bella smiled shaking her head.

"Who is we because I was entertaining folks and dancing while your little antisocial self sat on that couch drinking your disgusting brown liquor" Isabella said and Isla raised her eyebrow.

"It ain't disgusting you just like those fruity drinks too much" Isla mumbled and Bella rolled her eyes.


"Izzie! Is!" Isla heard her father yell from down stairs the next morning. Is groaned and held her head some as she sat up. Isabella laid next to her knocked out snoring.

"Get up dad is calling us" Isla said before smacking Isabella hard on the ass causing her to Yelp and jump up.

"Probably to tell us to pack since we leave tomorrow" Bella groaned and walked out of Isla's room heading downstairs with her sister behind her.

"Good morning" Bella said walking into the kitchen running a hand through her hair. Isla sent her parents a nod and kissed her mother on the cheek before sitting down at the island.

"You know you both leave tomorrow so I would get to packing" Zyria, their mother, said and Isla nodded yawning softly.

"How long are we staying?" She asked and Isabella took a plate of food from her mother's hands softly.

"The whole summer" Zyria said shrugging and Isla raised her eyebrow before shrugging. Zyria offered her some food but she shook her head no.

Isla wasn't a morning person nor was she the type of girl to eat breakfast unless it was late at night.

"Auntie Kaia and Auntie Dakota travel too much" Isla said standing up.

"They been living in Hawaii for a while" Bella commented and Isla shrugged.

"Mom can I go to the mall" Bella asked and Zyria nodded her head.

"I'm going back to sleep" Isla said before heading up stairs back into her room and crashed onto her bed.


"I'm excited I mean I heard Hawaii was very beautiful." Bella said as she sat on Isla's bed on her phone with Sianna.

"You guys are so lucky. I'm stuck here for the summer and Dad wants me to hang out with him more this summer" Sianna said rolling her eyes. Isla grabbed her suitcase from in the closet and started packing.

"Tell Uncle Hunt I said hi" Bella said and Sia nodded.

"I have to go he's calling me downstairs" Sia said before they said their goodbyes and she hanged up.

"Here you should take these too" Bella said to her sister as she handed her a couple of sundresses. Isla nodded and put them in her suitcase.

"This trip is going to be fun Isla" Bella said as she smiled helping her pack.

"I'm just glad we get to see auntie Dakota"Isla said and Bella nodded.

"And Auntie Kaia" Bella said and Isla shrugged.

"You know I'm Auntie Dakota's favorite while you're auntie Kaia's." Her sister said and Bella frowned before shrugging.

"When does our flight leave" Bella asked and Isla looked at the text her mother sent her.

"At six in the morning" Isla sighed rolling her eyes.

"You roll your eyes too much" Bella said flicking her in the forehead.

"Shut up" She said grabbing Bella's finger as she sent her a glare.

"And you glare too much" Bella added and Isla sighed laying down on her bed. She took her shirt throwing it across the room leaving her in just a black Nike sports bra and grey sweatpants.

"Lala you need some sex" Isabella said laying down next to her sister.

"I don't want any dick Bella"

"Okay well get you some pussy" Bella said shrugging her shoulders and Isla looked at her like she was crazy.

"First off Im not into girls like that anymore secondly I don't want sex period"

"Nah I feel like you would make a cute little lesbian honestly" Isabella said shrugging.

"The straight woman would call lesbian cute and little" Isla said rolling her eyes. Bella frowned and sighed.

"I don't know Lala I just feel like you would look nice dating a female too" Bella said awkwardly and Isla smiled.

"Well if a nice girl is out there than I'm open to it but for now I'm strictly no sex of any gender or sexual orientation."


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