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Dad wyd

Eating M&Ms

You addicted

Probably is

What's up babygirl

Nothing was just thinkin bout y'all

You need some money ?


What you need then because u never say you was just thinking about us


I don't need anything
Delivered at 11:59am

When Isla's father didn't respond for a little bit, Isla got up and walked to her bathroom getting ready to take a shower. She put her ringer on just in case and grabbed her speaker turning her music on.

While Isla was in her shower, Isabella was in her room smiling at her phone as she texted certain person with the name A.

She got up from her bed and ruffed her hair with a sigh. Isabella was already dressed in a black strapless crop top and some skinny blue jeans. She grabbed a hair tie and pulled her hair into a high ponytail.

"Hey Auntie" Bella said as she walked out of her room passing Kaia on the way to the kitchen. She walked into the kitchen and went into the fridge. Grabbing a water bottle, Isabella sat on the kitchen counter drinking it.

"Hey sis" Isla said coming into the kitchen with a yellow tank top on and black ripped jean shorts. She had a yellow and black see through open jacket on top.

"You look cute" Isabella said and Isla smiled.

"I'm thinking about changing because this little see through jacket is itchy" Isla said taking it off. She took a sip of the water from Isabella's water bottle.

"Well the tank top and Jean shorts are just as cute without the jacket" Bella said and Isla smiled. She had pulled her hair in two space buns with two little strands of hair in her face.

"Thanks" Isla replied and leaned against the counter yawning some.

"What you want to do today sis" Isla asked her sister as she looked over at her.

"Let's go for a drive" Isabella said jumping off the counter.

"A drive?" Isabella nodded and grabbed the car keys to the truck. Isla shrugged and went into her room putting on some vans. Isabella walked outside to the truck getting inside.

"Do you know where you are going to go?" Isla asked as she got in the truck. Isabella shook her head with a small smile.

"Nope. We are just going to take a drive and wherever we end up is where we will spend the rest of the day" Isabella said and Isla nodded her head putting her seatbelt on.

"Sounds like a plan to me but I want some food so at least stop for that" Isla said making her twin sister laugh. She started the truck and drove off letting her window down.

"I got you sis" Bella said and Isla smiled looking over at her before looking out the window.

"So Bella any special guy or girl" Isla asked and Isabella's cheeks began to heat up as she blushed shaking her head. Isla smiled at her reaction and raised her eyebrow.


"Oh really then why are you blushing?" Isla said playfully and the blushing Isabella opened her mouth to answer her question but instead just shrugged her shoulders.

"There's no one" Bella said glancing at her sister who didn't look like she believed her at all.

"Yeah okay well is it a girl or a boy" She asked and Isabella frowned looking over at Isla who raised her eyebrow.

"A boy" Isabella mumbled and Isla smiled nodding.

"Okay okay well are they in Hawaii right now?" She asked but Bella shook her head.

"No" she mumbled and Isla frowned trying to think.

"Bella you don't talk to any boys back home" Isla said and Isabella laughed.

"Yes I do" she said and Isla frowned looking out the window.

"Who?" Isla said laughing and Bella smiled hitting her arm.

"Shut up I'm not that antisocial" She said and Isla shook her head.

"You are when it compares to the opposite gender" Isla said as she smiled. Isabella rolled her eyes and Isla turned the radio on.

"We go home soon" Isabella said suddenly as she frowned and Isla nodded.

"As much as I love this place I do miss home some" Isla mumbled and Bella nodded. She pulled up to a gas station.

"We are going to stock up on snacks and do a movie night" Isabella said and Isla smiled.

"I don't have a problem with that" She said and they got out the car going inside the gas station.

"Before we do this movie night though, how about we go dancing" Isla said randomly as she looked at her twin sister.

"Bitch no" Isabella said and Isla scrunched her nose up before pouring her lips.

"Where would we go dancing?" Isabella asked as she grabbed a bag of Doritos.

"I got the perfect spot" Isla smiled and Isabella looked at her confusingly. They grabbed many snacks and quickly paid for them. Hurrying to the car, Isla and Isabella put the snacks in the back seat before Isla got in the driver's seat.

"Where are we going?" Isabella asked but Isla shook her head.

"Nope you don't get to know" Isla mumbled before pulling out of the gas station.

It didn't take them long to reach Isla's surprise location which just turned out to be a little cliff spot that Ray brought her once. She parked car and the twins got out the car.

"You brought me to a little cliff edge to dance?" Isabella said slowly and Isla nodded smiling.

"We can be as loud as we want and plus it's a nice view" Isla said and Isabella smiled. She looked over at the view while Isla hooked up her phone to the speaker in the back seat of the car.

Isla quickly played a song and hurried over to her sister as the music surrounded them. Isabella smile grew big as she recognized it to be her favorite song.

Isla started jumping around dancing as she sang the lyrics at the top of her lungs with her twin sister.

Isabella laughed at Isla's weird dances and started to move her body like a wave making Isla burst out laughing.


Just a filler chapter. Had a lot of writer's block for this chapter

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