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Isla stood on the balcony of Kota and Kaia's home staring at the view of the water. She moved to the little chair in the corner, sitting down.

"Hey sis you want to go to the mall?" Isabella asked as she walked out on to the balcony.

"Sure but give me a few minutes" Isla mumbled and Bella nodded before going back into the house. Isla looked back at the view before heading back into the house walking to her room.

Isla quickly got dressed in a black halter top and blue Jean shorts. Isla brushed through her hair as she looked around the room.

"Hey Aunt K gave us some money" Isabella said before handing Isla the money. Isla smiled and put the money on the dresser before looking at herself in the mirror.

"They have a mall here for real?" Isla asked and Isabella rolled her eyes.

"Yes Is come on let's go Aunt K is waiting" Isabella said before leaving her room. Isla sighed and grabbed her phone off the charger.

"I'm coming" she said and walked out of the room and out the house. Isla quickly got in the truck putting her seatbelt on as her Aunt started the truck and drove off.

"So how are you girls liking this beautiful island so far?" Kaia said and Isabella smiling looking her aunt.

"I really like it. I can see why people move here it's beautiful" Isabella said while Isla just looked out the window becoming lost in thought.

It wasn't long before they reached the mall and Kaia parked the car in front of the mall entrance. Isabella thanked her aunt while Isla just got out the truck and walked inside.

"Okay where do you want to do first" Isabella said as she catches up to her sister.

"Can we find like a food court or something because I'm starving" Isla said looking at Bella who nodded.

"Yeah but where is that" Isabella mumbled and Isla shrugged as she looked around.

"Let's just walk around and hopefully we find it soon" Isla suggested and Isabella nodded.

"Carry me" Isabella said before jumping on Isla's back causing her to groan.

"Warn me first Bella before you crush me" Isla said and Isabella smiled. Isla shook her head held on to the back her sister's thighs as she began walking around the mall.

"Hey isn't that Ray?" Bella asked and Isla frowned looking around.

"Where?" Isla said and Bella turned her head causing Isla to finally her. She was in front of store on the phone laughing.

"Oh yeah now come on" Isla said before beginning to walk away.

"Wait go back and say hi" Isabella pouted from Isla's back and her sister shook her head.

"No I'm hungry" Isla said and Isabella rolled her eyes before looking back at Ray.

"Hey Ray!" Isabella yelled out as she smiled waving at a shocked Ray while a shocked Isla tried to walk faster away.

"Hey guys" Ray said as she walked over to them. Isla sent her a tight lipped smile while Isabella smiled a toothy grin.

"Hey Ray what you doing here?" Isla asked and Isabella rolled her eyes.

"Maybe she is trying to buy something maybe because I don't know this is a freaking mall" Isabella dramatically said and Isla rolled her eyes.

"Shut up before I drop you on this floor" Isla said and Isabella pouted her lips before looking at the amused Ray.

"I haven't heard from you in the past few days" Ray said to Isla who shrugged.

"Been busy this week" She mumbled and Isabella scoffed causing her sister to look at her over her shoulder with a small glare on her face.

"Wow so too busy for me huh" Ray joked and Isla smiled before she rolled her eyes as she looked away.

"I guess so" she said and Ray smiled shaking her head.

"Damn mamas I thought we had something going on" Ray said and Isla looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

"Me too" Isabella commented and Isla rolled her eyes.

"Shut up Bella" Isla said and Isabella rolled her eyes.

"Make me"

"Why am I still carrying you get off" Isla said before dropping Isabella on to the floor causing her to groan.

"You did not have to do me like that" Isabella pouted and Isla smiled shaking her head. Ray helped her up and Bella walked away and into the a store.

"So when you going to stop playing and let me take you out on a date" Ray said as she focused her attention back on Isla who's eyes widened at her question.

"We barely know each other" Isla said and Ray rolled her eyes.

"Come on love you're seriously using that excuse to say no right now" Ray said and stepped closer to Isla who bit her lip.

"I mean it is true though" Isla said and Ray shrugging nodding.

"It is but we can always get to know each other mamas" Ray said and Isla looked up at her as she tried to think about the pros or cons to saying yes.

"Well I will say yes if you tell me the reason to why you are in Hawaii" Isla said and Ray sucked in a breath before shrugging.

"I can do that but how about I tell you on our date" Ray said and Isla let out a small smile before nodding.

"Okay." Isla said and Ray smiled.

"I'll pick you up at six okay? Text me your address" Ray said and Isla nodded. Ray stepped a little closer to Isla before lifting a finger onto her cheek moving a strand of hair out of Isla's face.

"I'm looking forward to this date already" Ray said before leading her head down some before capturing Isla's lips in a soft kiss. Isla smiled against her lips and kissed her back as she wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I am too" Isla said once their lips pulled away. Ray smiled and pecked Isla's lips before her phone began to ring loudly.

"Oh shoot it's my dad I'll see you at six mamas. I can't wait" Ray rushed out to say before hurrying away as she answered her phone. All Isla could hear was a man yelling out words and sentences in a foreign language to where Isla had no idea what was being said.

Isla sighed and looked around for sister before following after her into a store.

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