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Isla sat in one of the blue chairs as she held Ray's hand. It's been about five hours since Ray was admitted to the hospital and only two hours since she's bebe out of surgery.

"Isla what the hell happened" Isabella screamed as she ran into the waiting room with their parents behind her.

"I-I don't k-know when I left she was f-fine b-but when I c-came back she was on t-the f-floor bloodied and b-bruised up" Isla cried out and Isabella quickly hugged her sister.

"B-Bella I don't know w-what to do" Isla cried loudly as her knees buckled as she fell to the ground in her sister's arms.

"It's okay" Her sister kept repeating as Isla cried shaking her head. "It's okay"

Isla frowned and twirled a strand of her hair as she leaned back in the seat. Her eyes were on Ray was sleeping but her mind wandered back and forth with thoughts flipping through it.

"Hey honey" Zyria knocked on the door and Isla turned her head to look at Zyria but didn't say anything.

"I brought you some clothes to change into. There's a small shower in the bathroom if you want to use it" Zyria said handling Isla the bag to which Isla nodded her head to.

"Thanks mom" Isla said and Zyria sent her a sad smile and a nod before she kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back I have to go talk to the doctors" She Sia's and Isla nodded her head before she saw her mother leave.

"Did you call her mother?" Isabella asked and Isla shook her head.

"I don't even have the woman's number but I called Kenzel who said he would call her. He also said he will try and get on a plane to see Ray" Isla wiped her eyes as she sniffled and Bella grabbed a tissue box. She handled to her and Isla sent her a saddened smile.

"I can't believe someone would do this" Isla said as she cried. "Why would someone hurt my girl" she began crying even harder and Isabella hugged her again as she started to tear up some as well.

"I'm sorry sis" Bella mumbled to her as Isla continued to cry for Ray.

"You know they say that you are stable now and are going to be okay but I'm scared that's really the case" Isla said to Ray's sleeping form as she ran her fingers softly against her arm.

"I'm scared that it's my fault and that you will never forgive me for leaving you there alone" Isla teared up as she wiped her eyes with the back of her sleeve.

"I should've stayed you know? And just cuddled with you until both of our arms fall off. Then maybe this wouldn't have happened" Isla paused and shook her head. "I'm so sorry" Isla sobbed and tore her hand from Ray's body before covering her face as she cried.

"She is stable and she okay" was the first thing the Doctor said to Isla and her family. Isla smiled and laughed as she side hugged her sister. "Oh my god thank you." Isla mumbled.

"The stab wound will heal in a couple of weeks and I will say that your sister is very lucky that the knife didn't move inside of her or we would be having a very different conversation" The doctor said and Isla looked at her parents when he called Ray their sister. Her mother shook her head at her to not say anything.

"We were able to stop the bleeding and made sure there was no more further damage. Um a nurse had to do a rape kit for your sister and will be discussing that with you at a later time. She is in her room stable and sleeping for right now." The doctor continued and Isla's eyes teared up at the mention of the rape kit but she slowly blinked them away.

"Can I see her?" Isla asked and the doctor nodded his head before having a nurse come to bring her back to see Ray.

"It's not your fault" A weak Ray said to Isla making Isla's head snap to see that Ray was awake and staring at her.

"R-Ray" Isla cried before smiling and leaning up to kiss her girlfriend's lips who smiled.

"Hey baby" Ray whispered to her making Isla laugh as she cried. Ray reached a hand up and wiped Isla's tears making Isla shake her head.

"It's not your fault" She repeated but Isla shook her head again. She tried to move from Ray's grasp but the weak girl held on to her wrist.

"I love you" Ray said as she moved Isla's hair out of her face. Isla giggled and pecked Ray's lips again.

"I love you more" Isla whispered to her before leaning back to hand her a glass of water to which Ray smiled in thanks to her.

The door snapped open scaring both of the two girls but mostly Ray. Isla looked over to see Kenzel and a smaller woman who looked like Ray walk into the room worried.

"Oh my god my baby" the woman said before she rushed to Ray's side on the other side of the bed.

"Mama" Ray teared up and the lady hugged Ray as she started to break down. Isla quietly moved closer to the door next to Kenzel who smiled at Isla.

"Did they find the guy?" Kenzel whispered to Isla who shook her head as she watched Ray and her mother interact.

"No but when they do, I will kill him" Isla said coldly and Kenzel nodded his head. He casted a glance at Isla before looking back at his family.

"Me too"

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