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"He had a seizure and for the cause I am not sure due t-" Isla cut the doctor off by groaning loudly and throwing a pillow at the doctor making his eyes widen and duck from the pillow.

"How do you fucking not know why my father had a seizure you are a goddamn doctor with a fucking brain. USE IT" She yelled throwing her arms in the air out of frustration and anger.

"Isla what the heck" Isabella said looking at her sister with a frown plastered on her face. Isla glared at her and rolled her eyes.

"He is a fucking doctor Isabella he should do his fucking job and figure out why the fuck our parents both just ended in a hospital bed on the same day in the matter of freaking hours" Isla shot back and Isabella sent the doctor an apologetic smile before turning back to her sister.

"I understand your frustration but what you are not going to do is yell at the doctor and stress him out when he is trying to help us so shut up and sit down and let the doctor do his freaking job" Isabella said and pointed to the chair on the side of their mother's hospital bed.

"Isabel-" Isabella cut Isla off by giving her the look Zyria always gave them when they were in trouble.

"Sit.Down" Isabella said shortly and Isla rolled her eyes before sitting down in the chair breathing out a hard breathe.

"You act like mom" Isla grumble making Isabella roll her eyes with a smile. "Someone has to knock some sense into you like mom does" She responded making Isla scoff and cross her arms over her chest.

"Well that was interesting to watch" Ray said as she stood in the corner of the room next to Knox's hospital bed where their father laid sleeping. Hunter nodded as he stood next to Ray eating a chocolate bar.

"You both are such replicates of your parents. I mean Isla you are such your father which I'm not surprised you always acted like Knox but Isabella goddamn. You are more like your mother than I thought" Hunter said chuckling.

"Uncle Hunt" Isabella said and Hunter made a hm sound as he ate the last of his chocolate bar. "Where's the wife" Isabella said softly. Ray looked at Isla whose eyes met Ray's and Ray smirk.

"Probably throwing her shit out because I cheated on her again-" he paused and shrugged his shoulder being quiet as he threw his trash away.

"As she should" Isla smiled and Isabella sent him a smile before looked at Isla who was staring at her mother.

"I got food for everyone" Alex said as he walked into the room with bags of food in his hands. Isabella made grabby hands and Alex handed her two bags. Isabella gave Isla one and Isla thanked Alex.

"Where's my daughter" Hunter asked and a few seconds later Sia walked into the room with drinks in her hands.

"Okay two Oreo milkshakes for the Stone twins and then one lemonade for Ray. A water for dad and a Coke for Alex then a water for me" She said handling everyone their drinks. Everyone thanked her and dung into their food.

Isla heard a soft groan making her look up from her burger. She saw her mother frowning before she blinked opening her eyes. "Oh my god mom you're awake" Isla said catching everyone's attention.

She put her food down and pressed the nurse button on the small remote before looking at her mother who looked extremely confused.

"Hey" Zyria groaned out and Isla smiled. She looked around for Knox but couldn't see him from her view.

"Here mom drink some water" Isabella said handling Zyria a glass of water. She nodded and took a big gulp of the water before handling Isabella the glass back. "Thank you" she mumbled before licking her lips.

"Where's your father" Zyria said Isla who looked at Hunter who sighed.

"He's right here Z" Hunter said and Ray moved out the way making Zyria see Knox in the hospital bed. Her eyes widened and her heart monitor began to beat very fast making the twins very nervous.

"Mom he's okay he just had a seizure" Isabella said and Zyria gasped big as she looked at Isabella.

"A WHAT!?" She screamed and her heart minister began beating even faster. The door buster opened revealing many nurses who rushed over to Zyria's bedside.

"No no don't you dare touch me" Zyria said fighting against her nurses touching hands.

"Hey leave her alone" Isla frowned but Ray grabbed Isla's hand shaking her head.

"Ma'am you need to relax we are goin-" Zyria interrupted the nurse by groaning loudly. "Don't you fucking touch me!" She yelled and pushed the lady back making her fall against Sia who fall to the ground; hitting her head against Knox's hospital bed.

"Oh my god Sianna" Hunter said rushing over his daughter. Zyria's eyes widened and her heart monitor began to beat faster than ever and she mumbled out apologizes.

"She's unconscious one of you bloody nurses better do your job and help you or so help me God" Hunter threatened as he looked at the group of nurses. They rushed over to Sia and called for help.

A stretcher came and took Sia away, out of the room. Hunter looked pissed and Zyria tried to say something to Hunter but he put his hand up to stop her. "Don't not right now Zyria" he said before following the stretcher of Sia out of the room.

"Oh god" Zyria said as she put her face in her hands. Ray looked at Zyria before clearing her throat.

"How about we give Mrs.Stone some time alone" Ray suggested to everyone and Isla nodded. She walked to mom kissing her cheek before she following everyone out of the room.

Zyria's eyes went to Knox's sleeping body on the other hospital bed and she held her chest as she shook her head. "Oh my god" she mumbled before she closed her eyes and leaned back against her hospital bed pillow.

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