Chapter 20

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A few days passed since the surgery, and thatcher and Meredith were both ready to be discharged.

"Ready to go home?" Derek asked with a smile. "Hell yeah. Where are the kids?" Meredith replied. "Alex or Cristina should be bringing them down from daycare soon." Derek replied.

"Good. Now let's go olease." Meredith said with an anxious smile. Derek nodded and motioned to the chair. "I don't need that. I'm just in a brace now." Meredith said. "Hospital policy Mer." Derek said with a small smile. Meredith rolled her eyes but nodded.

On the way out, thatcher and molly were walking out as well. "Meredith, hi." Thatcher said with an awkward smile. "Hey. Uh, hi molly." Meredith said. "Hi Meredith." Molly replied with a smile. "Uh, this is my husband, dr Derek Shepherd." Meredith introduced. "Hi, I'm molly." She said with a polite smile. "Mama!" A high pitched voice squealed.

"Hi baby." Meredith cooed as Alex put the baby in her lap. "This is Zola." Derek said to molly and thatcher. "Wow. She's gorgeous. How old is she?" Molly asked with a smile as she offered her finger to Zola, which she held on to.

"She's almost two years old." Meredith replied with a smile. "Can you say hi Zo?" Meredith asked. "Hi!" Zola exclaimed happily. Thatcher and molly smiled. "You remember Laura?" Molly asked. Meredith nodded. "She's what....5, 6 now?" Meredith asked. "5. Eric and I had another baby too. His name is Dylan, and he's about 2 as well." Molly said.

"Maybe they can hang out?" Thatcher said as he watched his two daughters chat happily. "I- yeah." Meredith said. "And Lexie can come along with- what's his name? Sloan?" Thatcher asked. "Dr Mark Sloan." Derek said with a nod.

"We should have a family dinner or something. Dylan and Laura would love to meet their cousin." Molly said. Family. Cousin. Dinner. "We would love to." Derek cut in, knowing Meredith would need a minute to register. "Really? That's great! When you both are healed we should plan it." Molly said enthusiastically. "Sure." Meredith said with a smile.

"Good! Well, I should get him home. It was nice talking to you, Meredith, Derek, Zola." Molly said with a big smile. "Bye molly." Meredith said shyly. "Bye Meredith." Thatcher said with a genuine smile.

Derek smiled as they went outside. "I'm proud of you." He said as he helped her into the car. "Thanks." Meredith said shyly. Derek buckled in Zola and climbed into the drivers seat. "I called him dad. I- I shouldn't have done that." Meredith said with a sigh as Derek helped prop her arm up on a pillow.

"Why not?" Derek asked. "Last time I tried to get to know him he...hit me." Meredith said quietly as she looked out the window. "Did it hurt?" Derek asked after a pause. "The slap?" She asked. Derek nodded. "No. It stung for a moment but then it was fine. I think I was more in shock." Meredith admitted.

"I'm sorry." Derek said as he put his hand on her thigh. Meredith nodded. "How's your arm feeling?" He asked. "It's a little sore but it's fine." Meredith replied. "Good. Once we get home we'll get you some pain meds and relax on the couch while I make dinner." He said with a smile. "Okay." Meredith said as she watched him drive.

They arrived home a half an hour later and Derek grabbed Zola and Merediths hosptial bag and they walked inside the dream house. "Zo, sit down with mama." Derek said softly as he helped Meredith sit down on the couch  and zola next to her. "Watch?" Zola asked. "You want to watch Doc McStuffins?" Meredith guessed. Zola loved that show.

Zola nodded and climbed into Merediths lap. Meredith put on an episode and Zola watched happily, content in her mother's lap with her mother's safe arms around her. "Ma!" Zola squealed as she saw the characters appear on tv. "I know Zo!" Meredith replied with a laugh.

Derek came in to the living room with 2 bowls of pasta and sat down next to his girls. Derek took Zola from Merediths lap and fed her while she continued watching tv. Meredith ate and relaxed, enjoying the time with her family. To think that she almost lost this made her physically sick to her stomach.

"Feeling good?" Derek asked. "I am. I really am." Meredith confirmed with a smile.

That night, Zola went on bed and Meredith and Derek sat on the couch for a while. "We should bring Zola to see your family too. I want her to know her cousins and aunts and uncles and grandma. I never did." Meredith said. "Okay. We will." Derek said softly, surprised and happy that she wanted to see his family. "My family is like 5 people, but I want Zola to know them. She deserves it." Meredith whispered.

"Okay. She will." Derek said. "I love you." She replied. "I love you too."

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter and if you have any ideas for future chapters feel free to drop them! Hope your all doing well!

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