Drop dead gorgeous

Start from the beginning

Using the floating rocks, she sent them to the table with a huge metal center, illuminating it and sending a beam of energy into the sky.

It looked amazing as the clouds began to swirl, forming a vortex-like shape as shadows danced through the sky.

The crowd around us looked in wonder.

But the interesting display was soon dispelled as the sky darkened. Thunder boomed as a golden light shined through.

Everyone gasped as the body of a serpent-like creature fell down from the sky, crashing into the table that was filled with offerings for the God of Wealth.


Ningguang, who was the closest to the creature's body, quickly went to go check on its condition.

Everyone in the crowd murmured in worry, as we awaited the news as to what exactly happened.

After a few moments, Ningguang swiftly turned and yelled out, "Rex Lapis has been Killed! Seal the exits!"

At the order, the Milelith stormed in, their weapons drawn as they threatened anyone who attempted to leave.

The crowd shouted in protest, panicking as they watched the scene unfold.

Paimon cried out in worry, "Wha- what's going on!? Did she just say Rex Lapis is... The Geo Archon is... Dead!?"

As we looked around the place we noticed how the Milelith was nabbing anyone close to the scene of the crime.

Paimon fretted that we were too close as well and that we couldn't get caught by them.

With everyone in agreement, we all decided to sneak past the Milelith to make our way out of this situation.

It was pretty easy, seeing as how we've done this before.

By hiding behind huge rocks, and climbing a bit, we were able to make it to a stairwell that would lead us into the streets of Liyue.

We were so close... Until Aether accidentally stepped on a fallen twig.

The sound was loud enough to alert a guard near us, causing a chain reaction that alerted even more guards.

"God... Friggen... Dammit... EVERYONE FOR THEMSELVES!!!"

Not wasting a second, I threw myself off an edge.

I knew Aether could handle himself and trusted that he would make it out safely.

Landing on a rooftop, the tiles broke off as I lept to the next one. Hoping from each building, I promised myself that I would find Aether and Paimon as soon as this all died down, and continued my way forward.

'Please please pleeease, stay safe.'

✧・゚:* Aether POV *:・゚✧

'Please be safe... Knowing her she's perfectly fine but...'

I couldn't help but wonder of (Y/n)'s whereabouts as we ran with this orange-haired man.

He saved us from the Milelith and told us to follow him, but I couldn't trust him that easily. I had my guard up as we pursued him while Paimon loudly worried about our (h/c)-haired companion.

"Ahhh, hopefully, she's okay. She's like a roach though, so I'm pretty sure she's fiinnee~"

Sweat dropping at paimons statement, we halted our steps as the man who saved us stopped.

We were finally able to get a good look at him as we had stopped in a semi-isolated area.

"Phew... Paimon's Exhausted." Panting at the amount of running we had endured, Paimon rubbed her arm against her head.

"Just what muscles do magical floating use exactly?" I mumbled quietly.

Huffing angrily, Paimon turned aggressively to me. "Hey! Your starting to sound like (N/n) now! So insensitive! And uh... Wait who are you?"

Remembering that the guy who saved us was right here, we turned to meet him.

"My name is Childe."

His eyes threw me off. They looked, so dead, as if there was no life in them. It was disturbing, to say the least. Paired with a small smile, his mysterious aura strengthened.

If (y/n) was here, she would have loved this guy.

"Childe? What are we supposed to dote on you?" Paimon had sassily snapped back.

Laughing at her attitude, he dismissed her with a wave of his hand. Noting that his name was an alias, that cleared something up.


It took a bit, but Paimon had also made it to the same conclusion.

"Signora... Childe... YOU'RE FATUI! ONE OF THE HARBINGERS!!"

With a passive tone, he reassured the floating girl. "Oh no, don't worry, I'm not looking for a fig-"


Before I could react, a violently spinning object flew between Paimon and me.

It flew directly at Childe, who smirked arrogantly and side-stepped it without a second thought.

As the large object impaled itself into the wall that stood behind Childe, I could see that it was a weapon.

A familiar weapon at that.

The pattern and designs on the huge Claymore we're too recognizable, that it could only belong to one person... and that was...



✧・゚:* Word Count 1355 *:・゚✧


I swear I'll do the Xinqiu quest, but I was too excited to start the Liyue quest ;-;

Oh well~ I hope you enjoy the next few chapters >:3

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