「High Rise Invasion」Emma 🎭 Y/n

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"High Rise Invasion—You Are Strong"

          During the night where the moon gazes over the forsaken world with forlorn eyes, the gunshots in the distance never stopped, and the railgun everyone had been watching has not been shot. That one night, Y/n was alive, looking at the hallways back and forth. She wanted a time of recollection, something she had neglected since there was really no time to think of the old life she lived.

            The nights were growing ever so cold, and Y/n continued on thinking about the deep thoughts clogging her mind. She wonders if any of her classmates were alive— if her family was still surviving. Despite being alive, slowly moving through the buildings, she made sure to be careful. There was always that one god candidate trying to expel the other gods due to different visions of their wish for the world. She made sure that it went through their heads, that she was not interested in being a god— not even once!

Y/n's body was slightly aching. Her blouse sleeves were rolled up, revealing bandages from previous won battles, and some new wounds that seeped out blood. She didn't mind to change them, despite the fact that Emily would be scolding her again.

           The night was almost gelid, that Y/n opted to wearing her hoodie once again. She slipped on the cozy sweater, noticing a few dried blood and scratches from previous masked people right before she became a god candidate. Y/n whipped from her pocket, an unopened little bottle of tequila, when she hears footsteps. Alarmed, she raised a gun, but she heard the familiar tone of her name and ceased.
"Y/n!" Looking behind her, Emma ran to her , and held her tight. Unsure, Y/n hugged back the gardener, and she find her eyes gazing at emerald.

"It's my turn to watch, you know that, right?" Y/n watched her nervously pace around. "I know, but I wanted to go with you."
Y/n smiled slightly. "I guess you can... go with me." The two walked together, Emma looking at the female who seemed to be drinking the not-so-cold alcohol. Y/n on the other hand didn't mind that it wasn't cold. At this very moment, it was the only thing she could ever think of consuming.
            "I never knew you drank." Y/n looked at the innocent girl and laughed, "I... do it occasionally, mostly in secret..." with a sigh, she continued on, "It's a coping mechanism for my stress."

The walk was silent with only the occasional gunshots from another building. There was no masked human in sight- actually, there was no body at all. The heat signature-based gadget on her hand has not alerted nor alarmed.

The stroll around the building was lengthy, yet Y/n seems to not have any goal in mind at the very moment. As if, she just wanted to walk down the hallways, not caring whether they were walking in circles. It would be long before the sun will rise. Emma looked at Y/n troubled, knowing well of the harsh process of adapting to the world before her. She silently admired her bravery, but she wondered if the female had always been brave. Emma wanted to be with her through her most vulnerable state, feel right under her skin, and be depended on.
And so, she gained the courage to ask.

"Why do you look like you're used to this world?" Y/n looks at Emma with an expression of confusion. "As if seeing a bloody road was normal... doesn't it faze you?"
            Emma looked at the female beside her, who hummed. "Its not that I'm... unfazed with the sight."

            Y/n stopped, which halted Emma from walking. "I guess its just that... I can tolerate these kinds of sights... I guess." Y/n sat down on the tiled floor, looking at the moon from the window. "After playing lots of video games, watching people start fights... it's just not that... surprising." Emma sat beside her. "I was a rebel student after all. I did things I'm not allowed to do... I skipped classes, drank whiskey, smoked..." Y/n softly sighed. "I even... remembered staying in a guy's place and the next day, I'm on his bed."

            "I'm not really strong," Y/n laughed, "I'm not... my walls were just too thick." Emma slowly grasped her hand, feeling her once soft skin, now with calluses from all the fighting.

"I got severely punished because of my recklessness... but I guess you get a defect when you don't care for it," Y/n shrugged. Emma snapped her head towards Y/n.

"I don't think you're a defect at all." Y/n looked at Emma, confused. "If anything, you are more than what they ask! You are more than what they think." Y/n softly smiled. "Why?"
"Because... you survived in this world, and you keep growing strong." Emma started nearing her face. "That's why..." Her hands grasp Y/n's shoulders, "That's why I admire you."

Y/n blushed, unsure what to think. Emma's one hand lifted to caress her cheek. "If only they could see that you are willing to live- that you have not driven to despair by falling to that blood bath on the ground."

Y/n smiled, "Thank you..."
The sun was slowly rising, now that she noticed. "I'll be... asleep for a while," Y/n softly mumbles.
Emma smiled, "Yes... good night."
          Emma put her arms under her knees, and on her back to carry the slowly sleeping female back to their base.

            "She's asleep?" Emily watched as Emma placed her down, watching the female rest with such a peaceful face. "You're so in love with her," Emily mumbled,  changing the bandages Y/n neglected once again. Emma silently lied down beside her, spending the night with her also made her a little more tired. The other masks seemed to have moved to their own accord.

"Y/n..." He seemed to hear from one's mouth, and he looked at the Fencer's mask, seeing a small unnoticeable crack. The mask was talking, and he seemed a little saddened from his tone. He looks back at the sleeping female, and Emma, sleeping alongside her, hands on Y/n's stomach with a smile as she slept.

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